A Gruesome Gen
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Since time began, Colosossaurus, like any standard Dino had been plodding around the wilderness, running from bigger Dino's, searching for Wolfberry Shrubs, but not doing much else, just belching primordial gases and releasing large quantities of methane each night.
But one day his life changed when he met Stegorothina, a South Korean female Dino.
She had heard Colossosaurus many times, as this creature is able to growl so low and loud that his mating call registers on the Richter scale as 5.2 and the rumbles can send waves to female counterparts within a 1000km radius.
Of all the rumbles in the jungle, his was the finest, and so she set about meeting him. Being a curator for the Guniess Book of Dino Records she suggested he make a video on 'How many Falcons can be eaten in a Minute Challenge'
He agreed and later that week proceded to gobble down 342 like French Fries, beating his previous record of 287.
That was all Stegorothina needed, she had fallen head over heels for Coloso and gave him a huge bunch of flowers as a prize.
She asked if he wanted to hang out down by the lake that evening. Coloso, replied blushing, i'd love to but after all those Falcons i sense some extra heavy methane blasts tonight, but by tomorrow night i will be ready...i'll catch ya down by the lakeside at 9!
Features: Gruesome Sounds
+ Dual Pendusaurus Seq Engine
+ Dual Humble SinoRex Osc
+ Dual Driver + Spine Shaper
+ Cusp Chaos Mod + Pickle
+ Raptorthon Reverborator
+ Tail Fold + Dual Monsterous Low Pass
+ X/Y auto fly control
+ Global Random, Indy Randoms, Mutation
+ Bitcrusher + Reverser + Gen Mode
+ Dual Input - Keyboard + Seq
+ Sane CPU Hit
there are 3 banks of snaps. 1+2 are sequenced. Bank 3 has a few setup for keyboard input also.
It is possible to trigger the sequenced snaps in banks 1 + 2 aswell from a keyboard. Just switch to keyboard input and make sure the VCA mod A slider is up. Place the x/y cursor somewhere below halfway and they should all become playable.
Shout Outs to Michael Hetrick, Sandy Small, Colugo_ and the N.I. crew for all the components.