Chaos Bass Discoteque
11th Dimensional Gen
Direct link to ensemble
Terrible news... Doctor Atomic sent out 40,003 promos of his latest Chaos Comp to every disco, club, DJ, journo, blog, forum and radio on Earth, but alas fortune had run adrift and not a single response.
Just as he was starting to lose the plot he decided to randomly send 1 last one into the outer realms of the deepest galaxay to a newly opened Chaos Bass Discoteque... and as if by magic they replied immediately and said 'dude your stuff totally rocks... your on this Saturday Headlining'
Everyone's welcome. Its just open! So come on in and boogey to the very top notch DJ Atomic live at the Chaos Bass Discoteque on Quarkanthion 5.
The only problem is its quite along way away, like about 3 million light years away. But its ok the Doc has a cunning plan..
he thinks he can replicate a special 3d printed rocket here on Earth that goes so fast it will arrive in less than 1 hour! So grab a ticket and standby for lift off!
11th Dimensional Chaos Sequencer
4 way L.F.O. mods
Devour Distortion
Dual Comber Beam + Shifter
Delay - Verb
randoms + gen
100 snaps + mutation
Cheers to the mighty HETRICK for EuroReakt collection and N.I. team for the other parts.