Quadratic Howler

Nopog's Feedback Gen

(6 Votes)
1 (Updated 1 year ago)
January 20, 2024
Reaktor 6
Blocks Ensembles



After returning to Earth in his DIY super rocket after the gig on Saturday, Dr Atomic took a relaxing stroll in the Forest of Slommod Itoire to contemplate his newly found fame on Quarnathion 5.
The path ahead was darkened as the gigantic trees above dampened all the sunlight except a few fluttering beams that illuminated the path.. when all of a sudden he heard a howl.

But this was no ordinay howl, this was the very rare Green Pitcher Wolf Howl.

Filled with adrenaline he ran closer and and squatted by a large stump to listen. The green wolf was howling and howling non stop...

It was such incredible sound the Doc couldn't resist, so approached nervously, Hey Wolf whats yer name pal?
NOPOG, he replied...and I AM THE QUADRATIC HOWLER and i am going to eat you alive....

Quadratic Chaos Engine
Low Freq Noise (mods the Quadrature and chaos)
Quadrature L.F.O. (mods the rest)

The signal enters the Shrunken Comparator fed by chaos
gets propelled into to the Shrunken Turing block
then fed to the Shrunken Rungler with chaos and Turing
into a single Shrunken Osc
the cos + sin feeds a tiny pong
hits the ZDF filter
catapaults through a wormhole in the Deep Space Verb
and into the Shrunken Speaker
Quick trip round the Dual Orrery Pods
nifty split through the Comb Filter and submix
1 gets stereo split by Dual Shrunken Echos
1 gets Invisibly chorusified
meet back up for a cup of tea and rest
before the epic Feedback Howler Reverberation Mechanism
and a final rest at the out block...aaah!

Extras inc.
Automated Weevil pad X/Y
Indy + Global Randoms
100 snaps + mutation

Thanks to all builders -Brett Lavallee for all the Shrunken blocks, Michael Hetrick for the Chaos +lfo , and there is Infinite Pi collection's Chorus aswell as Orrery by Sandy Small, aswell as some N.I. parts.


1 year ago
Sounds interesting, maybe start a thread on the forum so we can discuss, or send a DM
Fedor Guzev
1 year ago
I have a couple thoughts about some exotic curcuits and pattern generation based on feedback loop and filter resonances. So the effect would be fully content driven. But my knowledge of Reaktor is pretty basic unfortunately
1 year ago
Sure i am open to ideas, what kind of stuff?
Fedor Guzev
1 year ago
Hey Cal are you open to any ideas for that kind of stuff?
1 year ago
honestly sick! I love it somehow.
1 year ago
I dunno man, its all a blur. I recall getting trashed by a tornado and then building quite a lot of Reaktor stuff. But not doing much... i lost all my studio gear and instruments in a robbery. But i used to produce a ton of weird metal music .
Fedor Guzev
1 year ago
Man you just INSANE doind all of this stuff! Some of them are very inspiring to hear and interact! What is behind all of this? What else are you doing?
1 year ago
Hey Matthias, its the link on the left, just copy paste e voila!
Matthias Schaffner
1 year ago
looks nice but there seems to be just a .txt file in the zip. :)
1 year ago
Audio demo https://archive.org/details/quadratic-howler/Quadratic%20Howler.mp3