Alien Beatbox
Dual Vektor Drum Machine
ENSEMBLE and audio demo are HOSTED HERE ---->
The Alien Beatbox Ensemble was just beamed in from Alpha Centauri on a Light Sail. On decoding the NanoRocket it had instructions for creating an alien potion.
After a week of scouring every odd food shop in town and several visits to lost Aztec jungle markets, i managed to locate all the ingredients. After swiftly mashing them up, a lime green electric slime emerged that glowed and reacted to the movements of audio waves.
Karuk Nethoron and his team had invented the magic slime formula in his lab over at A.C., his spokesman Isaac Barnabas Atwater claimed it to be a superior neurogenesis augmentor. On recieving certain special frequencies from the Beatbox, it would mutate its form and evaporate, it would then enter the atmosphere and form a 3 parts per million component in the air, per litre of slime.
Nethoron predicts human brain chemistry will transforms rapidly allowing them to become more receptive. The potion works by creating positive feedback loops and triggers exponential growth in the Heiroglyphicus zone, leading to a higher probability that humans will evolve to become more advanced like the aliens.
Alien BlikBox FlipFlop Engine
Rounds LFO (MOD A)
Chaos Snare (ginger active)
Quadrature modded Dual Vector mix
Auto BPM Acceleration
Verb + Dual Delay + WaveShaper
Global Random, Indy Randoms, Progressive Mutation
Dual X/Y (accelerator + modifier)
Gen Mode and 100+ beats in 3 Snaps Banks
CPU 50%
Quick Hint* To hear the ginger effect on the snare in any patch, make sure the ginger is selected on the snare block and the decay should be over halfway or more.
Thanks to Colugo_ for BlikBox and Michael Hetrick for the EuroRack and N.I. for the rest. Cheers!
Slime Potion Credits:
Karuk Nethoron, Bernard Obadiah Cannonball, Vash Lawrence Longleghurst, Nicholas Thomas Onion
Instrument concept:
by Frank Eleazar Forge, Harvey Abe BadCook, Seymour Jesse StinkMarsh, Nate Roger Leggett
Graphic Design:
Nathan Theophilus Whitesmith, Salmon Codsmell, Arronax Ninian Prankhurst
Sound Design:
Allen Buford Stylus, Horatio Owen Sparkalot, Winthrop Clement Fiend
Lost Documentation:
William Granville Gooding and Newton Oswald Odsock