Dual Delay

Dual Delay Block & Rack

(7 Votes)
Rob Gee
1.3 (Updated 2 weeks ago)
August 31, 2023
Reaktor 6


Includes Dual Delay+ (expanded dual delay block with resonant filter & diffusion section based on Fusion Reflections from the Reaktor Factory Library which has been rebuilt in core)

Dual Delay

Stereo delay with modulation lfo, saturation, sidechain compressor, feedback insert, freeze control, downsampler and selectable delay interpolation.

Includes NKS Rack. All controls are fully mapped and will display delay/lfo sync values and menus etc on Maschine and NKS Keyboard to allow full editing.

Video demo in Maschine on YouTube https://youtu.be/mban_y5G90w

Delay time can be set in either milliseconds or straight/dotted/triplet tempo synced divisions
LFO with selectable waveforms and adjustable modulation depth and phase per channel
LFO rate can be set to either frequency, bpm or host tempo and transport synced straight/dotted/triplet divisions

Available waveforms
Saw Up
Saw Down
Random Glide 1 (each channel generates different random smoothed values )
Random Glide 2 (identical smoothed random waveforms for all channels)
Random Glide 3 (identical smoothed random waveforms for all channels with polarity inverted)
Random Sample & Hold 1 (each channel generates different random values )
Random Sample & Hold 2 (identical random waveforms for all channels)
Random Sample & Hold 3 (identical random waveforms for all channels with polarity inverted)

Selectable clean or saturated 6/12db high pass and low pass transposed sallen key filters

Saturation Modes:-
Off=Bypasses all saturation
Fbk=Saturation in the feedback path
Filt=Saturation in the filters
Fbk+Filt=Saturation in the feedback path & filters

Saturation Types:-
Tanh Anti Aliased

Saturation Routing:-
Pre=Saturation is pre delay
Post=Stauration is post delay

Freeze - Maxes the feedback and cuts the input to the delay loop for looping and ambient effects
Freeze Sat - Selects if the saturation is enabled when freeze is activated
Freeze Flt - Selects if the filters are enabled when freeze is activated
Freeze Dry - Selects if the dry sound is routed to the output when freeze is activated
Freeze Feedback - Sets the maximum level of feedback when the freeze control is activated Sample Rate - Downsamples the delay lines for lofi effects
S2T (Sync To Time) - Copies delay times from sync knob to milliseconds knob


v.1.1 - Added freeze sat, freeze filt, freeze dry and S2T controls

v1.2 - Fixed initialisation bug for milliseconds controls

v1.3 - Dual Delay+ added to pack. Improved saturation circuit (increase input gain and/or sat knob to add more saturation)


Vagelis M
1 year ago
Awesome features in this delay!