Beauchamp Brass

Fourteen solo brasses

(35 Votes)
Audio Player
2 (Updated 9 months ago)
August 13, 2023
Reaktor 6


EDIT: v2 uses a new methodology that models the note attacks slightly better. This is the only change. Nothing on the panel has changed, so snapshots from v1 can be loaded here without any problems.

Beauchamp Brass is a solo brass synthesizer. It can be very expressive and is controlled from a mod wheel, a foot pedal, a wind controller, or a breath controller.

It is a sample-playback instrument, created from the results of Fourier analysis. The samples are synchronized so crescendos, decrescendos, and trombone slides are smooth.

It contains fourteen instruments:

* Bb Trumpet
* D Trumpet
* Cornet
* Flugelhorn
* Wah Trumpet
* Tenor Trombone
* Alto Trombone
* Bass Trombone
* Wah Trombone
* Cimbasso
* French Horn
* Tenor Horn
* Euphonium
* Tuba

James W. Beauchamp was a research professor and professor emeritus at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He pioneered research into spectral analysis and synthesis and his career spanned 50 years. The coefficients used to create these instruments were calculated using a software package he wrote called SNDAN.

There are five pages, selected from the menu in the bottom center:

1. Selects the type of horn and an optional mute. Also displays the horn’s recommended playing range and the currently-played note.

2. Specifies the vibrato, flutter, sizzle, punch, pitch envelope, and portamento effects. Includes a mod matrix for each control.

3. Specifies the slur characteristics. This includes note intervals of 1 & 2, 7, and octave, and also the reflections that occur during slurs. Includes a mod matrix for each control.

4. Tunes and transposes the horn.

5. Selects the input device for controlling the breath. The choices are a mod wheel, a foot pedal, a wind controller, or a breath controller. When selecting the mod wheel or foot pedal, the source of the tonguing (the sharpness of the note attack) can be chosen either from that input instead or from the note-on velocity.

To experiment with this ensemble, go to the last page and select the first Breath Device (which is the Mod Wheel, used for both breath and tonguing). Then, using the mod wheel to control volume and note attack, play a tune.


* A variety of snapshots are included. Moving the pitch wheel either up or down demonstrates various effects.

* Ten different backgrounds are included and are selected using the buttons on the bottom of the screen. Each can be replaced with any 1280x720 png file.

* This instrument uses 1.6GB of memory.

The sound examples are three versions of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen played by brass quartets:

1. A typical quartet: a trumpet, a French horn, a trombone, and a tuba.
2. Four horns: a tenor horn, a French horn, a euphonium, and a tuba.
3. Four trombones: a tenor, two basses, and a cimbasso.


Chet Singer
5 months ago
Yeah, I've gotten a request to split it up into 14 ensembles, one for each instrument. It's a problem.
5 months ago
I must say - it sounds amazing, but when project contains it, loading time of project is about 2 minutes longer. Someone comment here that it happens in Reaper... I have few DAWs and it is not a DAW problem - it loads very slow no matter which DAW is used. After all DAW is a mindless beast that only send parameters from project to Reaktor - rest is up to Reaktor and instrument. Would be great if there will be some update.
Chet Singer
9 months ago
I assume page 2 contains vibrato, flutter, sizzle, etc. There are two ways to control these. The numbers at the top are Reaktor "knobs" that can be assigned to any CC. Also, down the left column are some data sources that can modify those top rows. Please let me know if this doesn't help.
Brian OSullivan
9 months ago
When programming this in Logic 11, I'm drawing automation in the modwheel lane. Are the other parameters on page 2 controllable like this?
Chet Singer
9 months ago
It's a 4-valve BBb tuba. It plays C1 when all four valves are depressed.
Alexander Kindel
9 months ago
What key of tuba is it? I've found that virtual instruments usually don't specify, but sometimes I like to make a distinction between bass tubas and contrabass tubas in orchestration.
Ole Vistnes
1 year ago
Completely forgot to say thanks for the reply, I made it work, and it sounds awesome
Chet Singer
1 year ago
Thanks for your kind words. I've responded to your post in the forum. We can continue there.
1 year ago
Excellent, so musically playable... a real musical instrument. And the level of craft that appears to have gone into making this... wonderful. I do have a question. I am using a TEControl breath controller. On the "Breath" page, I have selected "Breath" with the Tonguing Source as "Breath after 20ms" This works great. However, is there a way to get it so that once a note has been let up, it doesn't continue to render sound whenever CC 2 has a non-zero value? In Cubase, whenever I locate to, forward/rewind to, or otherwise have the location land where there is a track with non-zero CC2 at that point, I get an endless tone generated at whatever the last note played was. The only way to stop it is to locate the play position to where there is no CC2. Changing to "Wind Controller" solves that problem, however, now the tonguing source is key velocity, which is not what I want. I believe Dannenburg allows me to work the way I'd like (ie, I control tonguing with the TEC, but CC2 when no note is currently active generates no sound).
1 year ago
"I'm guessing it's because of the size of this ensemble, which is about 1.6 GB. It loads quickly enough in Reaktor, but Reaper chokes on it." - I have the same problem; it loads, but it takes some time in Reaper; because of this, it would be fine to have devided this big ensemble in single instrument groups (for exemple: trombone, trumpets...).
Chet Singer
1 year ago
Pick the last menu icon, the guy blowing breath. Pick one of the 8 choices for your breath device. I suggest starting with the mod wheel. You might have to jiggle it once for Reaktor to have an initial value.
1 year ago
hm... no sound from ensemble....i read about choosing breath device... but where... ANY GUIDE???
Robert Gregory-Browne
1 year ago
I find it curious that Reaper chokes. I've asked about it on the Reaper forum but am basically getting crickets. Beauchamp Brass is a brilliant piece of work, however. I will be using it quite a lot, despite the limitation.
Chet Singer
1 year ago
Same here. It's frustrating. I'm guessing it's because of the size of this ensemble, which is about 1.6 GB. It loads quickly enough in Reaktor, but Reaper chokes on it. The big improvement with this instrument, imo, is the attacks. Perhaps I can improve the Dannenberg attacks while keeping that ensemble relatively small.
Robert Gregory-Browne
1 year ago
I've encountered a problem in Reaper. If I save Beauchamp Brass as an FX chain in Reaper, or as a track template, it literally takes three to five minutes to load. I don't have this problem with Dannenberg Brass or any other Reaktor instrument. Can't figure out why this is happening. Any ideas?
Robert Gregory-Browne
1 year ago
Mr. Singer does it again. I am amazed that he is offering this for free. It is certainly as good as, and probably better, than the SWAM brass instruments.
IR Correia
1 year ago
selecting a breath device will work, otherwise the instrument will be silent
IR Correia
1 year ago
"I can't get sound. I have installed several other ensembles, and they all play, but somehow this one is not working. any advice?" same here
Chet Singer
1 year ago
You have to choose an input device for controlling the expression. If you have a mod wheel, follow the instructions for it. You may have to jiggle it at least once after you open the ensemble.
Ole Vistnes
1 year ago
I can't get sound. I have installed several other ensembles, and they all play, but somehow this one is not working. any advice?
1 year ago
This both sounds and looks absolutely amazing!
Sandy Small
1 year ago
Outstanding work, both above and beneath the hood. Not a brass/wind player myself, but I've been a big fan of all your 'brass' ensembles. Thanks for this!
1 year ago
What is this Kontakt? Lol, so slick this could be a professional paid product. NI is sitting on a goldmine with this stuff but too dumb to use it to their advantage.
Jonathan Stubbs
1 year ago
So often sample libraries treat brass instruments in an exaggeratedly brassy way-- under-representing the warm round tones of softer playing. This has nice dynamics.
Andres Villarroya
1 year ago
Amazing! good job
Chet Singer
1 year ago
Yeah, finally finished it. It was a difficult one.
1 year ago
Great, you did this!
Esteban Villanova
1 year ago
Wow... wow!