One Knob Stutter

Stutter and glitch effect controlled by one knob

(6 Votes)
Audio Player
1.02 (Updated 1 year ago)
June 20, 2023
Reaktor 6
Effect Other


- Updated tempo sync for much more usable results at higher tempi (above 150)
- Added adaptative grain shape for less clicky results, everything sounds controled and yet glitchy
- View B has 3 extra parameters : Input (compensated input/output volume, which influences transient detection), Threshold (for the transient detector), Ratio (between the stuttering clock and the tempo). Most of the time, you will not need to adjust these parameters as the instrument is now producing consistent results across a vast range of tempi. But in some cases (extreme tempi, too quiet or loud signals, etc.) you might want to tweak these to adjust the output result.

Let me know if you need any improvement !

- Fixed delay : the effect no longer introduces an offset
- Improved transient detection
- Added presets \o/

One Knob Stutter is a stuttering / glitching effect using one knob to dial the intensity of the processing.

This is not a dry/wet knob :)

The more you turn the knob on the right, the more the input signal will be sliced and cut in smaller bits. Following the course of the knob, the effect goes from intermitteent stuttering, to obvious hashing/fragmenting and finally quite extreme pulverization.

The effect tries to keep up with the main transient information in the signal, in order to provide ear markers. Also, all the processing is synced to host tempo. So even though the effect is random based, some bias is used to provide a new context dependant signal.


Claude S.
1 year ago
This is very #%^@&@&^@^ //// Ggggggggg///// ooooodddd. Love it.
Brett Lavallee
1 year ago
5 stars from me
1 year ago
Wow, that becomes more & more a monster
1 year ago
Fine, I like fixed updates, Thanks.
1 year ago
Fine, Guillaume. This is a useful freeze stutter effect on GrainDelay.