7einhalbkommafünf omega negativ

Proof of concept

(7 Votes)
0.57 (Updated 1 year ago)
May 10, 2023
Reaktor 6
Other Test Area


This is a rather big update even if there is no added eye candy. Two big additions in one update! Multitimbral polyphony is working! Automation is also working but I'll need someone to test it because I rarely use VST hosts. I'll pose my questions in the thread listed below. Activated for automation are the 6 horizontal fader under view: LFO & Env for all 4 channels. that makes 24 automateable parameters.

Update history

- added multitimbral polyphony (check channel switch A/B/C/D)
- added automation
- some minor fixes and improvements
I'm about halfway through the project, most of the basic system is done, still a long way to go. Wanted to show you the current state of the project.

THERE IS NO AUDIO, just graphics

credits (in alphabetical order):

- Clist
- ColB
- herw
- lazyyfish
- m. wadewitz
- m. zagler
- p. dines
- s. schmidt
- salamander anagram
- staff @ ni

- I'm sure I forgot someone

known bugs:

- the central display of values doesn't react to root note shift when hovering over the piano roll editor in note edit mode. I'm waiting until I have more similar cases with that "problem" to correct it. I'm trying to avoid too many exceptions.
- if you edit the zoom of the (soon to be) piano roll editor, and click + release exactly on top of a line of the grid, it jumps to indefinite zoom. Solution is already on the way!
- its possible to edit the PRE outside the zoom when you click & hold and leave the zoomed area. This is expected, behavior still to be determined.

if you have questions, critique, bugs, flowers etc. check following thread:

future updates: (no particular order)
- finishing the piano roll editor (right now its just a variation of the normal multi bar, although the zoom works nicely)
- display of audio
- drag & drop assignment of modulations
- integration of the table framework.

All these things already worked in past revisions, but not all of them at once. This time I'm pretty confident I'll get it done.

Thanks for your interest,

Reaktor is great!


1 year ago
This is an interesting project; we hope you can find time to see it through! Mouse control w/ visual action can be so intuitive, unleashing the groove and sonic potentials in a simple compact package; where seeing, hearing and creating can smoothly merge. These often make fab/invaluable live performance tools. Looks cool so far!...
1 year ago
thanks @ Paule! the problem is not the selection of the host, but my limited experience with automation in general. I'm using Reaper DAW. Is there an automation mode that allows for relative automation to the parameter setting of the plug in? But I'm getting there :-) Thanks again!
1 year ago
You can use the free vstHost by Hermann Seib to test you halfway project. It works with 32 and 64-bit / vst2 and vst3: https://www.hermannseib.com/english/vsthost.htm
1 year ago
little bug: the central display of values doesn't react to root note shift when hovering over the piano roll editor in note edit mode. I'm waiting until I have more similar cases with that "problem" to correct it. I'm trying to avoid too many exceptions.
1 year ago
thanks Andres! still a long way to go. :)
Andres Villarroya
1 year ago
This is taking shape, I like it!!
1 year ago
I do love intrigue! ...