Xorshift Random Number Generator
Output random number or white noise
Various pseudorandom number generators (PRNG) are included. They can output polyphonic random numbers and polyphonic white noise. I noticed Reaktor's "Randomizer" output same numbers everytime after every reboot, so I used "CPU load" value for seed and combined.
I think Xoshiro128++ is the most high quality generator in these collection.
xoshiro128++ > xorshift32 > MLCG > LFSR (maybe)
And some sample synths are placed in the right area.
output pitch-randomized MIDI note.
"Hex Rand"
display random number in hexadecimal (in decimal notation).
"Brownian Sine Synth"
output sine waves the pitches move like brownian motion.
"Noise Hat"
output simple percussion sounds made of violet noise.
Random number accuracy can affect results in some cases. I hope you find some use for these generators.