Tabla and other Handdrums
Audio Player
1 (Updated 2 years ago)
February 21, 2023
Reaktor 6
'pata Niji - xperimental perx
Life seq gated Niji Tabla, Handdrums and mangled them in random mix .
Grain FX by Martin Brinkmann.
Mod A/B by LFO's from LFO mod seq
Sharl changes the samples in it's own periodes. Light blue in on!
change after response logic zero (Sharl speak like Charles in french) in 'pataseq: one step from the first pos (logic zero) in 'clock direction & length' to another step creates an event sends via IC Send to a lazy button.
253 ens snaps
1 Init snapshot
Thousands of ism snaps
in 12 instruments partly Blocks