
a simple Looper live oriented

(3 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 2 years ago)
February 03, 2023
Reaktor 6


I was searching for a simple looper live oriented, just tapping the start and the end of the musical phrase and jam with, without any kind of sync. Perhaps it exists on the library, but I was unable to find one, so I built this block; it’s based on the Tapedeck stereo object of Reaktor standard library; there are two tapedeck to provide overdub (ping-pong way). Switching on the On/Off button the looper will begin to record, pushing Rec/Play button the looper starts playback; pushing again the Rec/Play button the looper re-start recording and, according to the Overdub knob setting, will overdub what previously recorded; every Rec/Play push alternates the function. At the bottom a little display show the record/playback progression; the red lamp means record activity, the blue one playback activity. The tapedecks are setted to 60 seconds, but will be easy change as desired. I am sorry but I am not sure this block will completely satisfy the standard block format. I am also sorry but I don’t remember from where I took some GUI elements. Anyway I hope this block can be useful for someone.