spectral AM phaser

the title describes it

(8 Votes)
1.1 (Updated 2 years ago)
November 17, 2022
Reaktor 6
Effect Other


user BLAIR said i should upload this, so that's what i did. it modulates the FFT stream by a free running oscillator, the effect this gives is phasing in the spectral domain. strength cross-fades between using a slightly narrow pulse wave to a raised sine wave, reversing a previous decision to keep it simple when uploading initially. now its even more simple, so we are at spectral AM phaser version 1.1


Alexandre Melim
1 year ago
Thank you!
Blair Arbouin
2 years ago
Oh nice, you posted it!
Brett Lavallee
2 years ago
I replaced all my other phasers with this. Thank you.