Serious vocoder by Andrew Aronson (Maschine + adaptation)

Maschine+ standalone-compatible vocoder

(12 Votes)
Audio Player
1.2 (Updated 2 years ago)
November 03, 2022
Reaktor 6
Effect Filter


I couldn't find how to get in touch with you, Andrew, but please holler if you see this and if you disagree with me re-posting. That's the actual creator y'all, so immense props to him.

Original ensemble:

Modified to work on Maschine+.

Put it under Native Instruments/User content/Reaktor/Ensembles on your SD-card and access it in the browser under Effects (with the User-tab checked).

In external mode, it receives the modulator on its left input and carrier on its right input, so just hard-pan whatever you wanna feed into it.

Detailed guide:


James Glover
2 years ago
This is sick! Thanks to the creator and to Blezz for the mods and walkthrough vid
andrew aronson
2 years ago
hey, my vocoder is famous! so... normally i wouldn't mind but this particular project is one i might end up eventually taking down. however in the meantime i don't mind updating my upload to include the version with the changes you made
Brett Lavallee
2 years ago
Nice and good video