
Algorithmic sound machine

(6 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 2 years ago)
October 13, 2022
Reaktor 6
Instrument Sequencer


4 Morse-Thue sequence generators make MIDI pitch and Gate data streams.
You must run Reaktor's clock (transport, arrow button) to generate these streams.
Use the randoMize button to generate the sequences (only the Morse-Thue params are set for randoMize)

These sequences are sent to three Chooser modules:
An Instrument chooser, a Modifier chooser, and a Feedback chooser.

Inside the choosers, 7 devices can be programmed singly or in combinations to handle the incoming data streams.

The Instrument choices are sent to the Modifiers choices, which are then sent to the Feedback choices, which may be used again by the instruments.

The Monitor allows you to hear the data streams and mix them any way you like. The mixer is followed by a tube overdrive and a bypassable chorus.

View A is for programming.
View B is for watching.

1 bank of 128 snaps included (a few modified from Brinkmann's ReadyMade2).

Many people contributed to this with their ideas and ensembles, among them are:

Martin Brinkmann, for his ReadyMade2 ensemble and the Morse-Thue Sequence Generators. Martin borrowed from MUSINUM:

bubu, for the Scales mappers from bubuMapper

Robin Davies for the band-limited oscillators and Herwig Kra§ for his fast core oscillators

gabriel mulzer for the too-b drive, the BPrt modal filters, state variable filters, and many other macros

Luca Capozzi for the variable slope filter

Chet Singer's Phaser filter from Ampere

Brian Kennedy made the Sierpinski triangle macro,

rachMiel's extremely useful eZdrandoMize,

and many small pieces stolen from Ernest Meyer and the Reaktor Builder's macros set.

Sorry if I left anyone out.


2 years ago
bindlestiff - just looking through my older ensembles and uploading those I find still useful.
2 years ago
thanks again
2 years ago
Wow, it's like that right jolly old elf paid an early visit, tripping over surprise gifts all down the UL hall! Thanks for the bountiful share, (lunch-hour upload? lol). Who needs sleep?!...
2 years ago
Thank you, Jim Hurley.