DM 3

Linear Techno Drum Machine

(3 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 2 years ago)
June 24, 2022
Reaktor 6
Blocks Ensembles


A linear drum machine for making techno rhythms.

The first row includes handmade modules.

The general flow is:

The VCF has 3 inputs: OSC 1, OSC 2, and NOISE.

The ENV FOLLOWER reads the VCA output and sends it to MOD B on the OVERDRIVE module.

The 8 STEPS SEQ sends gate information to the S&H modules, as well as the ENV Modules.

The 4 MODS SEQ modulation information to the S&H modules. They are in order of corresponding channels.

S&H modules have their destinations as labels.

CLK DIV receives clock information from the UTIL CLOCK.
Channel 1 > 4 MODS SEQ
Channel 2 > 8 STEPS SEQ
Channel 5 > LFO GATE
Channel 6 > LFO RESET

The LFOs are sent to basically everywhere there wasn't already a modulation source.

I haven't made anything too pretty with this, but I'm sure it can be done.

This is also a way to get my drum modules out there with context, so this is a pretty basic setup. Feel free to change modulation and gate sources, and add in more effects for something even crazier.


Marc de Jong
2 years ago
This is a nice one