Microcosmic Hologasm

Multi FX unit

(16 Votes)
Audio Player
Alpha (Updated 2 years ago)
June 17, 2022
Reaktor 6
Effect Multi-Effect


Reaktor is the cure for gear acquisition syndrome (GAS).
This unit is built around a sequenced granular delay inspired by the Modulatable Grain Delay by Håkon Dale. The reverser is from Hoover FX by Mary Jean-Philippe. Pitched reverb by Boscomac. Loads of thanks to Paule for the GUI help. Thissuns still in an alpha state. Figgered we'd share it in case anyone wants to help get some more functions working.
Only 7% CPU drain on a crappy old laptop. Remember to press "play" to make the magic happen. Dig it!


Matthew Taylor
6 days ago
As with horseshoes and darts, almost is a thing. In this case, it's just that: almost. There is no way it seems to switch modes manually as there is with the Microcosm. It kind of emulates the actions of the Microcosm, but you have to use the presets to get anything there. It would be really cool if this was updated to match the full button and switch functionality.
Petty Vendetta
7 months ago
For this ENS, the modes are selected with the "Activity" knob. To use Mosaic, it is first necessary to depress the righthand footswitch to activate "HOLD" and then press the lefthand footswitch to record some of the incoming audio to which additional processes may be applied.
marcel h
1 year ago
Yeah same here. I can't switch to another programs like Glitch or Mosaic etc. I can just use the glide - Strum Mode. Any ideas?
fabian ruf
1 year ago
Does this include more modes? cant seem to switch any.
fabian ruf
1 year ago
wow great! I love the pedal, but this is great when traveling and not having access. I am curious how it compares.
Stephen Holder
1 year ago
Nice, that saved me a bunch of $$$ thank you so much!
raul aranha
2 years ago
Hey Im loving this, sounds amazing and was searching for something like this, but how do i map the macros to knobs? I use bitwig.
Mary Lopez Diane
2 years ago
Very honored to have inspired you. Thank you for your interest in me !! Great work.
Petty Vendetta
2 years ago
Thanks Claude.
Claude S.
2 years ago
You cannot image how much I loved this. You just cannot.
2 years ago
I do dig the orig 4 now tho'! We tested this out with a couple mangulated instances of that old gateway drug from the UL - "dansant"; and kicked out a pile of interesting and use-able rhythmic FM-based loops in short order. Thanks!
Petty Vendetta
2 years ago
Due to some reported errors, we have reverted back to original file.
2 years ago
Please add information of what you have update! Thank you
2 years ago
hey, I don't know what updates you made, but the file fails to open.
2 years ago
Ah yes.Nice! I love the PV builds because they are so creatively interesting and different. Bolle gone hyper-real with his Blender GUI's recently. You can pull skin-able textures from near any surface in a second with that free tool. Gotta brush up my skills...
2 years ago
At now the only collaboration was PV ask me to help him with the gui. So I do. The innard structure is by PV only.
2 years ago
Wow, an ionic thruster engine for my scooter!
2 years ago
Beautiful state sometimes - Alpha. Paired this with Jon "Goremall" Ball's wonderful Bella synth as a tester and were immediately rewarded by the gifts of granular producing instantly useable cuts and some chills to go in the boot. Sure some mods will get things really jumping, but the feral fairies are a good start. maybe You and Paule are planning to have this beastie do something nasty to the Queen Mother?! I'll hafta test that and try and suss your manifesto
2 years ago
yoose guys are talkin' twin language now? well, ok. Happy to see ups from both of you here, straight download joy. Those are some purdy good parts you legoed in there. looking forward!... ty!
Petty Vendetta
2 years ago
Zeta ate a Kappa, Lambda.
2 years ago
Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta … Omega.