
303-Style MIDI Sequencer, Microtonal, Pitch Envelope and LFO

(3 Votes)
Audio Player
1.0 (Updated 2 years ago)
May 14, 2022
Reaktor 6
Instrument Sequencer


MIDI Sequencer for the Behringer TD-3 or other monophonic analog synthesizers. The basics are same as the 303TraditionalSequencer, some functions are added.

Step: 2 to 16 (even number)
Swing: 25 to 75% (50% is neutral)
Octave: -1 to 2 (0 is C1)
Transpose: -12 to 12 semitone
Pitch: 0 to 12 semitone
Fine: -50 to 50 cent
Accent: 80 or 100 (velocity)
Gate: 1 to 125%
Pitch Envelope: -200 to 200 cent
Pitch LFO: 0 to 200 cent
(depends on hardware setting "Pitch Bend Range")

This sequencer was designed to use all MIDI functions of the TD-3!


2 years ago
Thank you, Kohtaro
Kohtaro Fujishima
2 years ago
Yes, 12-tone scale modifier may be needed for some users. I think the "PB_Generator" section is a kind of prototype, so I'd like you to modify it to add your own features. Sample and Hold instead of LFO, random pitch button, etc... And more flexible if you set the hardware pitch bend range to 12!
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
I like your sequencer and was going to mod it.. but not like this - microtonal pitch on every step will not help. Better make (or actually there already are in reaktir library) - Scale Quantiser block so that every pitch will be quntized to a scale. There are some quntiser midi blocks in a library!