303-Style MIDI Sequencer, Microtonal, Pitch Envelope and LFO
Audio Player
1.0 (Updated 2 years ago)
May 14, 2022
Reaktor 6
MIDI Sequencer for the Behringer TD-3 or other monophonic analog synthesizers. The basics are same as the 303TraditionalSequencer, some functions are added.
Step: 2 to 16 (even number)
Swing: 25 to 75% (50% is neutral)
Octave: -1 to 2 (0 is C1)
Transpose: -12 to 12 semitone
Pitch: 0 to 12 semitone
Fine: -50 to 50 cent
Accent: 80 or 100 (velocity)
Gate: 1 to 125%
Pitch Envelope: -200 to 200 cent
Pitch LFO: 0 to 200 cent
(depends on hardware setting "Pitch Bend Range")
This sequencer was designed to use all MIDI functions of the TD-3!