RMS Mixer

mix two signals without changing loudness

(2 Votes)
1.1.1 (Updated 2 years ago)
March 31, 2022
Reaktor 6


i developed this for a distortion i'm working on, to mix between dry and wet without a change in level. it works by calculating the RMS of the inputs, dividing input by its RMS, then mixing the RMS and divided signals separately, then multiplying them together to recreate the input. setting the RMS time right also lets you do cool stuff like have a distorted signal pump with changes in the dry volume. there is an optional highpass on the side channel of the wet input, with a control to add what it removes onto the mid channel. it also includes a final parabolic crossfade for traditional mix control.

Update 1.1:
- added selection of 3 filters for side hp, 1, 2, and 4 pole
- added dithering to prevent clicks as the level hits zero. this should only be audible if you put significant processing after it

Patch 1.1.1
- sidehp off previously used right dry and right wet instead left and right wet


2 years ago
Hi hi! I finished reskinning your RMS Mixer. I uploaded it to the UL here: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/reaktor-community/reaktor-user-library/entry/show/14607/ If you like it, you are of course free to reupload it to your own account. Just leave a comment in the comments section so that i know you downloaded it. I did the reskin for my own amusement and for you to upload if you want to. I'll delete my upload when i get your message. Greets, Bolle
2 years ago
Hi Morganah! I'm working on a reskin for this ensemble. Because i think it's very useful and a great build. You can see my design here: https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/comment/22848/#Comment_22848 If you like it, i can apply it to your build and send you the reskinned version for you to upload. Greets, Bolle