Panelset Demo

Squeeze the GUI

(4 Votes)
Audio Player
1.0 (Updated 3 years ago)
March 21, 2022
Reaktor 6


Example of setting up panelsets to allow others to manage a big GUI.
A very large GUI is split into smaller pieces, each in a panelset.
The user decides the size of these and what goes into it (the viewable list, that is).


3 years ago
BTW - I have come to very much appreciate the GUI size on Sunborn's QuadKick ens. Some other GUI's are continent-sized and wearying to work with, however. In such a case...
3 years ago
Hey arachnaut, thanks for taking the time and offering up this useful macro, which I graciously accept and will utilize, only what I was originally referring to is a pop-up for some functions/scopes/wave-tables etc that which does appear in some existent UI synths (I can't remember which ones right now!), which make small, less utilized features pop large when you need. Perhaps more ideally - on the larger, would be a simple GUI size function like on a web browser, so folks can size to taste w/out a macro drop. It would only need a couple size options, large, small... Thanks, love your work!
3 years ago
It is not what i asked, but it might be extremely useful in many cases. Thank you!
3 years ago
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