A-155 Trigger Sequencer
8-step sequencer inspired by the Doepfer A155 with jump step
Updates: Improved Glide algorithm for bottom lane, significantly smoother for longer glide times. Added internal routing matrix to view B to trigger S&H, skip steps and other controls. Improved jump step & gate behavior.
Fixed Pitch lane, I broke a couple things when I was cleaning code and I didn't notice
More enhancements to come including internal routing capabilities and "Mute/Skip" Steps.
First Upload in a collection of "Inspired by" Doepfer A-Series modules. I have 5 or 6 others so far that just need some final tweaks and panel work. All Rack compatible and use the block conventions (Modulation is done a little differently but all is compatible with the A/B & values used by blocks/racks)
8 step sequencer inspired by the Doepfer A-155 Analog Trigger Sequencer. Https://doepfer.de/a155.htm
Each step can be manually triggered by clicking its lamp or with a positive 0 crossing at it's input (over top of its number at the top). The Start and Stop buttons do not affect individual step triggers. To step through sequentially connect a gate to the "Step" control and ensure "Start" is active. "Stop" will pause the sequence. The Control box can also be manually triggered by their lamps/buttons next to the input.
Trigger Sequencer: Consists of 4 lanes controlled by 2, 3-position switches. 1 switch for lanes 1&2 and 1 switch for lanes 3&4. The "Up" position activates the trigger for the top row (1&3 respectively), middle position is "Off" and lower position activates for bottom rows (2&4). Lanes 1,2,&3 are short gates (called triggers by Doepfer) and Lane 4 outputs a 1 when active and a 0 when inactive for the duration of the step.
CV/Value Lanes:
There are two lanes for values that output values independent of Trigger lanes.
Top lane: controlled with the knobs and the range selectors plus the glide control. "Pre out" is before the sample and hold, "Post" is including the S&H with inputs directly below for control over Glide and S&H.
Bottom Lane: Controlled with the "CV" inputs and the knobs act as attenuators. Audio can be connected and will scan through audio inputs or whatever you choose. The Scale knob attenuates overall amplitudes. The corresponding box of controls is the same as the lane above it.