wavetable pack

builder, oscillator, reader and morph

(9 Votes)
2.0 (Updated 2 years ago)
March 08, 2022
Reaktor 6


v2.0: completely different method, using preintegration and differentiation instead of mip-maps.

There are four modules: builder, oscillator, reader and morph. The builder prepares the table for oscillators and readers. It can be run on a primary iterator. A single source may contain multiple frames. Their size must be a power of two. The oscillator computes the readers' positions. A builder may be connected to many oscillators, an oscillator may be connected to many readers. Different readers can play different frames from the same source. There are separate readers of 1st, 2nd and 3rd order. Builders and readers must have matching orders. Higher orders have better antialiasing but need more precision. 1st order works ok in 32 bit, 2nd order may need 64 when used with phase modulation, 3rd order only works in 64. The morph module allows to crossfade through a wavetable using two readers.


igor beuk
2 years ago
Can't wait to try, I'm making my own wave tables and i use them with internal Maschine Sampler and sample start option and im getting crazy results that i never did before because Maschine changed the way i look at music and in conversation with other Artists i see and they see too that i see music from another ange so now I'm very busy with 14 tracks album, 4 collaboration done one in progress and two my good friends are waiting for their turn and I'm...i wanted this and NI give me simplicity and tools i needed so now i wished for and i have to do quality and interesting things but i like Music and i spent years on different genres but only on Mashine i could make everything and by far hardest PSY trance that finally is easy but i can't be on multiple projects and that's the reality but if people come together with trust then everything is possible but i see a lot of vanity between band members and I myself have experienced stupidity for no reason and I still believe in people because no person in history has ever succeeded alone. Once again, I can't wait to try it out tomorrow this is an interesting solution to the eye and to the comments.
andrew aronson
2 years ago
we think very highly of this
2 years ago
In case anyone wonders, the reason why the frame size must be a power of 2 is that otherwise the readers would have to take several integer divisions at audio rate, which is much more costly than a bitwise AND. Both the builder and the readers (not the oscillator) would have to be modified to allow this.
2 years ago
Thanks! There shouldn't be any issue, given the builder is setup up correctly. The frame size must be a power of 2, the source table size must be an integer multiple of the frame size, and store array size must be double the source table size. For example, if you have a frame size of 2048 and a source of 6144 samples, the store array must have a size of 12288, and you'll get 3 frames of 2048 samples each.
Birthday Monster
2 years ago
Just what I was looking for. Amazing work. Is there a reason I might have trouble importing some wavetable files into the table? They worked fine with primary audio table module
3 years ago
ty Laureano