Moravia Reeds
Solo sampled saxophones, clarinets, & double reeds
V5 adds four double reed instruments, and a new GUI by Bolle. Thanks, Bolle!
Moravia Reeds is a solo reed synthesizer and includes:
* Six saxophones: soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass, and contrabass.
* Four clarinets: Eb, Bb, bass, and contrabass.
* Four double reeds: oboe, English horn, bassoon, and contrabassoon.
It's a sample player and uses phase-aligned samples.
Phase-aligned samples make possible clean morphing across dynamics and pitch. Crescendos, decrescendos, slurs, and pitch bends are all free of sample-playback artifacts. The samples are looped and will play continuously.
The samples were created using SNDAN, a sound analysis program created by Prof. James W. Beauchamp. He was a research professor and professor emeritus at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He pioneered research into spectral analysis and synthesis and his career spanned 50 years.
This is a monophonic solo instrument. The dynamics are playable by a modulation wheel, foot pedal, wind controller, or breath controller:
• Mod wheel. The dynamics are controlled by CC1 and the tonguing by either the wheel or by note-on velocity.
• Foot pedal. The dynamics are controlled by CC4 and the tonguing by either the pedal or by note-on velocity.
• Wind controller. The dynamics are controlled by either CC2 or CC11 and the tonguing by note-on velocity.
• Breath controller. The dynamics are controlled by either CC2 or CC11 and the tonguing by the suddenness of the breath.
I use both a TEC breath controller from and an AKAI EWI Solo wind controller. I think maximum expressiveness is achieved using breath, just like on the original acoustic instruments.
Features include vibrato, flutter-tonguing, subharmonics, and the speed of slurring (legato note-to-note transitions). The pitch bend goes as wide as 24 semitones so it can be played on a Linnstrument.