
A synth with the DNA of the legendary Roland D-50

(44 Votes)
Audio Player
1.20 (Updated 2 months ago)
February 10, 2022
Reaktor 6


1. Copy the ensemble file into your Reaktor6 ensemble directory

The G-50 truly holds the DNA of the legendary Roland D-50! Back in 1987, Roland presented this synth as a combination of an analogue (subtractive) an a PCM (Sample) -based synth. This combination has been called “LA-Synthesis”.

Recommended Literature
In order to get a better understanding of how this synth works, it is highly recommended to download and have a look into the old D-50 manuals. There are two manuals, “basic” and “advanced”. They should be easy to find using the Google search machine. Additionally, there is also the “Roland D-50 Creative Book” online, which delivers additional information.

Most of the functions are implemented by myself. However, there are some functions and sections, where existing algorithms have been taken. Here are credits:
• The function principles of ring modulator and most modulation and reverb effects have been taken from old Generator tutorial ensembles.
• The phaser effect engine has been taken from “PhaZoR 7” by Laurent Sevestre, but only 2 in- and outputs are used. The remaining (unused) modules have been deleted in order to reduce processor load.
• The portamento-effect has been taken from the synth “ATCR TS-301” by Hjortur Haraldsson Blondal.

Version 0.9: Late Beta version. More snapshots will be added.

Version 0.91: CPU load issue fixed, panel colour issue fixed. There are only 3 embedded snap shots so far. More snapshots will be added with the next versions.

Version 0.92: Many Snapshots added. All sounds of the demo song are included now.

Version 0.95: Aftertouch functions tested. Aftertouch finetuning done. Two snapshots added.

Version 0.96: Some bugs in the WT generators fixed. New piano samples added. Snapshot "air piano" added.

Version 0.97: Ring modulator fine tuning done. Some snapshots added.

Version 0.98: Sample Library embedded. Snapshots added.

Version 0.99: Random LFOs tweaked. More snapshots added, especially typical D-50 sounds. Check out "Living Calliope" and "Fantasia".

Version 1.0: LFO1 completely rebuilt; random LFO functions tweaked again (they are much more similar to the original D-50 random-LFOs, now), many snapshots added

Version 1.1: New Panel. The new look fits into the 1980s. Ring modulator intensity can be adjusted, now. Delay effect added. Some snapshots added.

Version 1.15: Some panel bugs fixed. Snapshots added, e.g. "Pizzagogo" and "Super Saw Lead".

Version 1.16: DAW automation issue fixed. Snapshot "Trance Lead" added. New Demo song.

Version 1.17: Many snapshots added. The G-50 has 99 snapshots, now.

Version 1.18: Oscillators replaced by sync oscillators. Some snapshots added.

Version 1.19: Filters optimized. They sound more powerful, now. Some of the snapshots have been slightly adjusted due to the different filter sound.

Version1.20: A thorough technical re-work has been done. The performance is much better, now. Synth needs only 50% CPU load compared to earlier versions. Some snapshots added.

This will be the last update for the time being. I'm currently working on a successor synth, the "G-69". It will have a similar architecture, but a lot of enhancements. So don't miss it.


Markus Gräble
9 months ago
Hi, is it possible to create Liquido Narcotic with this Synthesizer G-50 - anyone tryed it already? i give a try these Days
Andrea Persegoni
1 year ago
D-50 former owner and wooooooow
Matthew Gosper
1 year ago
It works and it makes very nice sounds. As below, install the latest version of native Access (version 2 not 1) https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/12484/reaktor-6-5-not-showing-up-on-native-access-only-installs-6-4-3
phil painson
1 year ago
Very cool.
Jason Mclaughlin
1 year ago
doesn't work
Ike Hill
1 year ago
Thanks, I did some research and it might be an issue with some versions of Native Access. Others reported the same problem. I will see if I can get it to work. :)
Gunther Gehlert
1 year ago
Hi Ike, as far as I know, you can download the latest Reaktor version for free. Just open the latest Native Access and you should see a free update for Reaktor 6.5
Ike Hill
1 year ago
it says I cannot open the ensemble because it was created with a newer version of Reaktor (6.5 -- my version is 6.4.3) As 6.5 is apparently a closed beta...will I have to just wait, or? :)
Claude-Samuel LEVINE
1 year ago
Gunther Gehlert, could you make exactly the same thing for another synth : the Yamaha SY/TG77 ? i am looking for a VSTi of TG77 for years, but no way. FM7 / FM8 / Arturia DX7 V are very exact and genious, but SY77 parameters are completely different. Even if it will not include Yamaha samples for "AWM" groups, ( i could resmple them at home ) , it should read MIDI SysEx for having exact patches.. if you do this, you create a demo version, wich for example don't read sys.exc. of won't save patches parameters, and you could sell it.
francesco spinolo
1 year ago
Gunther Gehlert
2 years ago
Dear Philippe, I used no original D-50 Sample. first, there is this licence thing and second, the sample quality back tahn was not really good, not even 44.1 kHz. Roland used these rather rough samples with an interpolator, which is no further characterized in the manuals. The G-50 basically uses a granular re-sampler. I did the resamplin myself using licence-free samples.
2 years ago
I guess you used the ?-50 samples lib I saw here and there ? Or did you resample yourself ?
Gunther Gehlert
2 years ago
Dear Forrest Gore, I fully understand your comment. The panel is kind of a compromise. My goal has been the easy access to all functions (unlike the original Roland D-50). The number of knobs is the result of 4 sound layers. Many Roland synths (including the D-50) have these 4 layers (upper and lower tone with 2 partials each). One could think of a reduced version consisting of one partial, only. Loading 4 instances (layers) of the reduced version into your DAW could probably lead to the same results. However, my feeling is that sound design would be more difficult mixing Reaktor and DAW functions.
Forrest Gore
2 years ago
I like it, my only issue is that's A LOT of information on one page for my brain and eyes to take in. Also the size of the the knobs and text seem small. Just personal experience, but thank you for this awesome work.
Gunther Gehlert
2 years ago
The G50 can be fully automated in a DAW software, now. Check out the new demo song. All sounds (including bassdrum and hihat) are made with the G50!
2 years ago
Very nice work on the panel!
Gunther Gehlert
2 years ago
Another Update. Check out the look and feel of the new panel. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it, I guess. Besides that, the ring modulation effect can be adjusted, now. And finally, a delay effect has been added. In later updates, Roland had also added a delay & reverb together with new sounds. So I decided to do that as well.
Gunther Gehlert
3 years ago
Finally here it is: the Version 1.0 of the G-50! With 67 snapshots, many of them similar to the respective D-50 sounds. Have fun and do not hesitate to give your feedback to me. Cheers.
Magluss Música y Naturaleza
3 years ago
Thank you very much for your work!!
Gunther Gehlert
3 years ago
You may ask yourselves, when it's time to release version 1.0... Well, the Roland D-50 comes with 64 factory presets. Therefore, the objective is to have 64 snapshots. Currently, there are 39 snapshots. Some of them are quite similar. So it's quite a way to go...
Gunther Gehlert
3 years ago
Thanks, Paule for the useful hint. Samples are embedded now. Disk space is about 100mb.
3 years ago
Yes, your're wrong. If 4 players use the same samples it counts for one set only. But using embedded maps the size is doubled of your samples. That's a map specific thingy.
Gunther Gehlert
3 years ago
Paule, there are 4 resynths, all accessing the same samples. I'm afraid to increase the disk space 4-fold if embedding the samples in each re-synth. Tell me, if I'm wrong.
3 years ago
Gunther, if embed your samples inside the resynth maps there is no need for samples from outside.
cool breeze
3 years ago
That's fixed both the issues I have, this version (0.91 ?) has no processor overload and | can read the text on the lighter background. Now I just have to figure out how to work it. Thanks Gunther.
Barry Galloway
3 years ago
Well done Gunther, I'm looking forward to additional snapshots!
Gunther Gehlert
3 years ago
Thanx cool breeze, that may be another option. I guess, the processor overload issue is almost fixed. When I followed Barry's suggestion to shift the audio voice combiners to the upper and lower sound colours (which resulted in monophonic effects), the processor load decreased from approx. 47% down to about 19%. I guess the remaining processor load is acceptable for a synth of this complexity... What do you think?
cool breeze
3 years ago
The overload issue can be addressed with this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hw0f226jx3e93zt/g50%20overload.jpg?dl=0
Gunther Gehlert
3 years ago
Thanx guys for the very helpful hints. In Version 0.91, these issues will be fixed (they are already). Unfortunately, all the nice snapshots were gone. I'll try to re-establish the snapshots and then upload the new version.
Barry Galloway
3 years ago
Sorry, Upper and Lower Colour Structure modules. Output Mode module can also be monophonic?
Barry Galloway
3 years ago
Gunther, if I may suggest that after the Upper Colour Structure module you add a voice combiner so the EQ and Mod FX can be monophonic. The EQ can also be one channel rather than Stereo. The CPU usage should be much reduced with these changes.
cool breeze
3 years ago
Sorry, I forgot we can't edit posts. (and I wanted to see if I could link to an image of the message I get) about processor overload. And I find the grey panel almost impossible to work with.
cool breeze
3 years ago
What to do ? Also, I find the grey almost impossible to see past. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j13ojhxz8j1hwjp/Grey%20Lag.jpg?dl=0