radio blah blah
a test of AM with heterodyning

Version 0.6-------------------------------------
More stations, so now it's simple enough to leave gaps between... Some slots are better than others in terms of avoiding background whine...
I've also added a little noise to the signal.
All testing was done at 88.2Khz. So use that or a higher sample rate.
Version 0.5:------------------------------------
This update is oversampled and includes basic heterodyning. The result is that it sounds - to my ears anyway - a bit closer to playing with an old radio than the first version.
The GUI is also tweaked so that you can drop a wav on to any of the individual 'stations' to replace it.
Pretend radio with 6 stations and a tuning knob.
Only really works at 88.2Khz sample rate or higher - best at 176 or 192.