Rouxdolph Modulator V2.2

Table Modulation for External Hardware

(7 Votes)
2.2 (Updated 4 years ago)
December 25, 2020
Reaktor 6
Instrument Sequencer


V2.2: LFOs can now be re-triggered by incoming keypresses when "trig" is illuminated. Trig is located next to the slave button on each LFO. The retrigger can occur while slave mode is on or off. (I will work on getting the sequencers to have this same capability.)

V2.1: LFOs now reset in sync with master clock in slave mode.

V2: I've added 3 LFOs from Joeri Van Hove's "LFO-to-CC" UL entry, since I just want this to be an all in one mayhem station. The whole ensemble also now fits nicely on a 16 inch MacBook screen.

V1.1: I've added 2 more modulation tables, each with bipolar value sequencing for parameters that go above and below zero, such as "Envelope Amt" for example on some synths.

Modulation station for absolute control freaks. I wanted something to control any parameter on my Dave Smith synth, & I didn't want to pay for a certain piece of software. Viva la revolution!!! I've also reaped the benefits of this community for far too long not to contribute something. So Merry Christmas.

6 table based modulation triggers & 3 LFOs to send signals to your outboard gear. Select a CC# for a corresponding table or LFO. All sequences are clocked independently & can have independent lengths/divisions! Draw nonsense, and go crazy. Sequences can be saved in snapshots. I'm not a great builder, but I can guarantee this works, and it's been tested on my DSI Rev 2.

This does not trigger notes. It sends CC mod data to any destination that your synth will receive 0-127. So set your synth to slave mode, play a note on your synth, and press play in the Reaktor master clock. ***IMPORTANT: You'll also have to make sure Reaktor is set up properly in the preferences. File > Audio & MIDI Settings > MIDI > Outputs > And then make sure whatever synth or device you're using is set to on and not off there. You'll also have to make sure your external device is set to receive CC#s specifically.

Length, Tempo (Note division), Direction, Start offset, Swing, and Swing Type can all be meddled with.

You can set the scale and range of your modulation, or invert the values. You can also smooth out the changes, or have them happen abruptly via the Slew knob. You can also mute the entire modulation lane.

LFOs have 3 modes, free, beat sync, and custom. They can be retriggered via midi messages, or not. LFO's are routed into one another so that the next LFO can modulate the previous one. Each LFO can modulate 4 destinations.

The LFOs have several wave shapes and can all modulate up to 4 destinations each. They can also modulate each other via a button which is labeled within each LFO. *LFOs need song position module, and I'm still figuring that out. But they now start in sync with the master clock currently.

This instrument was borrowed and modified from 3 main instruments. 1 by Peter Dines, using his Roux instruments, which I have changed around a bit, and some elements by Dustin Mosley from "CC Sequencer" in the UL. And Joeri Van Hove as mentioned in the update.

(Inside the structure there are some unnecessary pitch modules, but whenever I tried to get rid of them, the structures ceased to play back. They're invisible in the panel, so I'd suggest just to keep them in there because everything works fine.)


Richard Figone
4 years ago
LFOs now start in sync with the master clock. I may have to add a song position macro, but I'm still figuring that out. Other than that, enjoy.
Richard Figone
4 years ago
The only thing I haven't figured out how to do yet is make the LFO's start and stop with the master clock. If anyone knows how to do this, please lmk. I'd love to update this again. They work fine. And you can turn them off if you want, and just use the tables. But I'd love for them to start and stop with the master clock.
Ryan Johnson
4 years ago
Really well done Richard. I had to make sure that I had my REV2 set to Receive CC which I did not have and then I needed to make sure that Reaktor was outputting MIDI in Ableton the way I wanted but then it worked like a charm. Extremely powerful! Thank you!