RBG Blocks

Blocks pack with front panel patching

(33 Votes)
Audio Player
Rob Gee
2.1 (Updated 2 weeks ago)
December 19, 2020
Reaktor 6


Hi everyone, here is my blocks pack. They are primarily effects based and all have front panel patching. All blocks are NKS compatible & automatable, all racks are NKS mapped for use in Maschine or Komplete Kontrol.

I don’t want any donations, a follow of my social media accounts is appreciated though. Check out my YouTube channel for video demos of the blocks.


I hope you like them as much as I do. Any bug reports, constructive comments or suggestions are welcome.


2.1 - Various fixes, including notch count controls for phasers and improved saturation circuits.

2.0 - Added:-
Dual Delay+ (expanded dual delay block with resonant filter & diffusion section based on Fusion Reflections from the Reaktor Factory Library which has been rebuilt in core)
Multi Voice Mod (multi voice chorus/flanger)
All blocks NKS compatible & automatable
All racks NKS mapped
Various updates including switchable crossovers for all modulation effects
Various fixes

1.5 – Added/updated the following modules:-
Dual Delay v.1.1 (added 1/1D Sync Values)
Space Master added to pack
Space Master+ added to pack

1.4 – Added the following modules:-
3 Band EQ Sat x 2 v.1.0
3 Band EQ Sat v.1.0
3 Band EQ x 2 v.1.0
3 Band EQ v.1.0

1.3 – Added/updated the following modules:-
Barberpole Flanger v.1.1 (fixed bipolar feedback control)
Barberpole Phaser v.1.1 (fixed bipolar feedback control)
Delay Stereo added to pack
Delay Stereo Alt added to pack
Dual Delay added to pack
Dual SKF Filter Stereo renamed to Boutique Dual SKF Stereo
Diffusion v1.0.1 (increased delay time to 4 seconds, modulation depth to 2 seconds and updated delay glide smoother)
Feedback Matrix v.1.0 added to pack (a diagram describing routing is included)
Filters (pad buttons swapped for pad knob in non linear filters, mono versions of filters added)
Flanger Stereo 1 v.1.1 (fixed bipolar feedback control)
Flanger Stereo 2 v.1.1 (fixed bipolar feedback control)
Harmonic Phaser renamed to Harmonic Phaser 1 (fixed bipolar feedback control)
Harmonic Phaser 2 added to pack
Ladder Filter NLX added to pack (switchable non linear modes with slightly additional cpu)
Phaser Stereo 1 v.1.1 (fixed bipolar feedback control)
Phaser Stereo 2 v.1.1 (fixed bipolar feedback control)
Saturation/Saturation+/SaturationOS (pad buttons swapped for pad knob)
Thru-Zero Flanger v.1.1 (fixed bipolar feedback control)
Thru-Zero Phaser v.1.1 (fixed bipolar feedback control)
TSK Filter 2P NLX added to pack (switchable non linear modes with slightly additional cpu)
ZDF Diffusion v.1.0.1 (increased delay time to 4 seconds, modulation depth to 2 seconds and updated delay glide smoother)

1.2 - Updated documentation
1.1 - Added/updated modules
1.0 – Initial Release

Included blocks:-
3 Band EQ Sat x 2
3 Band EQ Sat
3 Band EQ x 2
3 Band EQ
Barberpole Flanger
Barberpole Phaser
Bento Box Crossfade Stereo
Bento Box VCA Stereo
Bento SVF Stereo
Bit Crusher
Delay Non Interpolated
Delay Stereo
Dual SKF Stereo
Dual Delay
Dual Delay+
Feedback Matrix
Flanger Stereo 1
Flanger Stereo 2
Frequency Shifter Stereo
Gain Bipolar
Harmonic Phaser 1
Harmonic Phaser 2
Ladder D Filter NLA
Ladder Filter 8 Pole NL
Ladder Filter 8 Pole NLA
Ladder Filter 8 Pole NLB
Ladder Filter 8 Pole
Ladder Filter NL
Ladder Filter NLA
Ladder Filter NLB
Ladder Filter NLX
Ladder Filter
LFO Sync 1
LFO Sync 2
LFO Sync 3
LFO Sync 4
Midi Out (14 Bit)
Mix 2
Mix 4
Modern Paul Filter Stereo
Monark Filter Stereo
Mono-Stereo Mix 2
Multi Voice Mod
Notch Filter
Phaser Stereo 1
Phaser Stereo 2
Ring Modulator Stereo
Rounds Dual Delay
Rounds Stereo Mod
Sallen Key Filter 2P NL
Space Master
Space Master+
State Variable Filter 2P
Thru Zero Flanger
Thru Zero Phaser
Tremolo Stereo
TSK Filter 2P NL
TSK Filter 2P NLA
TSK Filter 2P NLB
TSK Filter 2P NLX
ZDF Diffusion
ZDF Saturation
ZDF Saturation OS
ZDF Saturation+
ZDF Saturation+ OS

Shouts to Niels Speijer (for his sync macros), Robin Davies (for his 6 point lag range interpolation), Salamander Anagram, Michael Hetrick, David Alexander, Colugo, Colin Brown, Brett Lavallee and all of the great Reaktor community.


8 months ago
Thanks Rob, just came across these for the first time - stoked to give them a spin!
Larry Daniels
2 years ago
Thanks Rob, appreciated
jarek Grzesica
2 years ago
2 years ago
Thanks again Rob.
Andres Villarroya
2 years ago
Muy buen trabajo Rob!!
Brett Lavallee
4 years ago
Nice collection! Thank you.
Richard Philpott
4 years ago
Excellent! Thank you very much!
Carlos Lopez
4 years ago
Repects! Outstanding work!
4 years ago
Thanks Rob! 11/11
4 years ago
Very nice, thank you!
Joey Valizan
4 years ago
Christmas came early for me! This is an awesome collection Thank you!