Here is a small patch -rack to show the ratcheting effect done with one oscillator.
Row B of the Sequencer controls the ratcheting. Each knob on 0 - no Beats, on 50 - 2 Beats, on 70 - 3 Beats, on 80 - 4 Beats, on 90 - 5 Beats, on 100 - 6 Beats.
Start and stop of the Sequential Control and the control of the envelop is done trough the Sequential Switch.
Row C controls the Pitch of the Low Pass Filter
Attenuator - First knob controls the the frequency of the Low Pass Filter, second knob controls the Regeneration and the third knob controls the pitch
In this patch, I connect Row B and Row C trough the CP3 Mixers CV Inputs 1 and 2, so You can switch them On and Off when needed from the switches.
Here is a good explanation from Rodger form Synthesizers.com how the ratcheting patch is done: