

(5 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 4 years ago)
September 06, 2020
Reaktor 6
Blocks Racks


Here is a small patch -rack to show the ratcheting effect done with one oscillator.

Row B of the Sequencer controls the ratcheting. Each knob on 0 - no Beats, on 50 - 2 Beats, on 70 - 3 Beats, on 80 - 4 Beats, on 90 - 5 Beats, on 100 - 6 Beats.
Start and stop of the Sequential Control and the control of the envelop is done trough the Sequential Switch.

Row C controls the Pitch of the Low Pass Filter

Attenuator - First knob controls the the frequency of the Low Pass Filter, second knob controls the Regeneration  and the third knob controls the pitch
In this patch, I connect Row B and Row C trough the CP3 Mixers CV Inputs 1 and 2, so You can switch them On and Off when needed from the switches.

Here is a good explanation from Rodger form Synthesizers.com how the ratcheting patch is done:


6 months ago
Scratch that... I think I found them here: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/reaktor-community/reaktor-user-library/entry/show/13447/
6 months ago
Where can we get all the user blocks? Getting an error saying I'm missing what looks to be all of them
Plamen Valchev
4 years ago
Colin Webber - I'm sorry for the delay, But have a home project to do, and didn't have enough time to sit and figure out ho to make it work. I upload a new version and I tested it in Reason and Sonar and it works. I hope it will work and with Cubase. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/reaktor-community/reaktor-user-library/entry/show/13767/
Colin Webber
4 years ago
Plamen this is not working - switched to Internal displays the DAW tempo. but its still not syncing. Happy to share a basic cubase project with anyone who can help?
Plamen Valchev
4 years ago
Colin Webber - Yes there is. Use the module MIDI CLOCK 1.0. Connect the Gate from it to the Shift input on the Sequencer. Turn the Switch on the MIDI CLOCK 1.0 from INT to EXT and control the tempo from the DAW I hope that will help
Plamen Valchev
4 years ago
Petty Vendetta - Happy time with the troubles.... :) Thank You too!
Plamen Valchev
4 years ago
Stephan Bobinger - Thank You
Stephan Bobinger
4 years ago
really nice
Petty Vendetta
4 years ago
Aha! Only 25% on the laptop!! Gonna git me some drums and make some trouble! Thanks Plamen.
Colin Webber
4 years ago
Thanks this helps me enormously. It took me a while to figure out how to get it started, but I got there in the end. Is there a way to hook it into the DAW such that it syncs correctly to tempo and the start of a bar?