BDL - BlocKit
Bipolar Disorder Library BlocKit - Blocks Bundle
BDL BlocKit - Blocks bundle
[1] - OSCKit - 4Wave x3 with LvlsMixer, PW, Sync, RM, FM, and AM.
[2] - rbChorus Solina - Solina Chorus form 'Rb_cpf_v1' converted to Block.
[3] - rbFlanger x2 - Flanger x2 v1 from 'Rb_cpf_v1' converted to Block.
[4] - rbPhaser Barberpole from 'Rb_cpf_v1' converted to Block.
[5] - ModernOldSchool Ladder - x2OS -12,-24dB/OCT Ladder LP Filter.
[6] - StereoComp - Banaan StereoComp converted to Block.
[7] - XOX Diode Filter - x2OS 4Pole (-24dB/Octave) Diode LP Filter.
[8] - rbVowel - Formant Filter from rbFilters Pack converted to Block.
[ 9 ] - 4 To 1 Attenuator - Mixdown of 4 inputs into one.
[10] - 1 To 4 Attenuator - Split incoming signal to 4 Signals.
[11] - 3 Band EQ - Reaktor6 library EQ converted to Block.
[12] - MS20ish Filter - x2OS -6dB/Oct HP followed by x2OS -12dB/Oct LP
[13] - 4 To 1 Scanner - scan between four inputs
[14] - 1 To 4 Panner - scan one input between four outputs
[15] - Distortion Unit - kind of Guitars Distortion (more info at the link below)
rb_cpf_v1 Chorus/Phaser/Flanger pack by arachnaut
rb_Filters pack by arachnaut
Credit to Trial'N'Error for his 'Control Shape BP' Core macros (Used for the Vowel Formant Filter).
Distortion Unit is made out from this paper: