YADV (rackready)
Drumvoice / Bass synth
yet another drumvoice
there are two oscillators and an envelope which will crossfade between the two.
first osc has some shapers and fold. the second is modulating FM/PM and there's a burst envelope for pitch and fold
a friend said it's a techno machine ;)
hope you have fun
1.51 there was still something wrong with the envelopes... added modEnv to Dist per button
1.5 envelopes didn't work right, now they do... and there is a Xfm button for crossmod now
1.4 added loopable env for mod and amp envelopes with extra input and some distortion modes
1.31 had to change some knobs. there was something wrong with mod a/b
1.3 New Look, changed the GUI a little bit
one knob Modeselector with additional input for modulation
improved burst to fold
1.2 burst is keytrackable
BEF2 knob sets the start freq to crossfade from and is bipolar
1.1 reworked oscshapes
Mod envelope with hold stage and an extra ampenv
shape- and foldmoldulation by freq2
burst to fold is now bipolar
inverted fade
ringmod if fade is off