Eight-channel, 64-step sequencer for REAKTOR Blocks

(20 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 4 years ago)
July 23, 2020
Reaktor 6


The MASCHINE JAM Sequencer is a powerful step-sequencer module for REAKTOR Blocks that can be played and programmed using the MASCHINE JAM controller. All functions and settings can also be controlled directly in the software, allowing you to use the sequencer without the hardware controller.

The MASCHINE JAM Sequencer's 8 channels can produce sequences with up to 64 steps. Special sequence attributes and a Euclidean pattern generator make it easy to come up with interesting patterns, including complex polyrhythms. Additionally, a number of performance features like the Velocity sliders and the Repeat function turn the sequencer into a playable instrument.

The MASCHINE JAM Sequencer includes Panel Ports and is Rack-Ready! You can use it as User Block in Racks (REAKTOR 6.4 and later).

Learn all about installing and using the MASCHINE JAM Sequencer in the included MASCHINE JAM Sequencer Manual.

The MASCHINE JAM Sequencer works perfectly with the Niji Drums. Download them here:

To see the MASCHINE JAM Sequencer in action, watch KOMPLETE Lead Product Specialist Neven create polyrhythms with REAKTOR 6:


Christophe MAIGNAN
2 years ago
Hi Jordan, 1) Go to Controller Editor and open the MASCHINE JAM Sequencer template. 2) In Ableton, open the input and output for the Maschine JAM 3) Create a MIDI Track with Reaktor6 VST (be sure VST not AU if you're a mac user) => MIDI from Maschine Jam and monitor "IN" 4) Create another MIDI Track => MIDI from the fisrt track we made, monitor "IN", MIDI to Maschine Jam (hardware) Enjoy :) Christophe
Jordan Mierlo
3 years ago
How to set it up properly in ableton? I've tried different things but still wont recieve visuals from the maschine jam
Nathan Mansfield
3 years ago
This is a labour of love, its free and i'm really grateful for the progress thats been made with this program. It would be amazing to have a working version. The issue that many users below have shared is still ever present. Could you please make this daw based version fully functional. If this is not possible then is updating the manual on how to get it working with functional step sequencer? Thank you
3 years ago
Been waiting for this since i saw nevens youtube video years ago. After installing i get to the step where you go to audio and midi settings in reaktor and i cant find that in my file drop down of reaktor 6.4. Also, when i drag the sequencer on to my instance of preloaded monark it does nothing and wont open. Please help.
Nathan Mansfield
3 years ago
NOT WORKING WITHIN DAW…….Please help. Same issue for me like for fellow jam users.... @Mark Placzkowski @Raymond Smith @Yannick Sandoz Yes it works in standalone. I’ve followed the daw steps up to the brick wall where they no longer apply to the circumstances of the reaktor software.
 I have followed the steps in the manual until they no longer are correct. Perhaps now there has been an update to reaktor blocks since the manual was made. Many of the blocks have front end connection points. There are no visual front end connections to the Niji drum blocks. The steps cannot be followed. I’m hoping we have some assistance on this matter. Thank you so much for this leap with Jam. Been excited for this drop since Nadine shown off the amazing polyrhythms it can do.
Mark Placzkowski
3 years ago
Help please, new to this. I cannot use get visual feedback or control function on Jam hardware when I add it as a VST in Ableton 10. I load up an ens and hear sound, and see the virtual seq working. Everything works fine with the controller as stand alone in Reaktor, just issues in DAW. I feel like routing setting are off. I get lost on the Manual pdf specifics 3.4 steps 8-9...
raul pastor mendizabal
3 years ago
How can I load an external instrument into one of the maschine jam sequencer groups?
Ryan Clark
4 years ago
Jan Ola @ NI
Raymond Smith
4 years ago
Hi Jan Ola @ NI thanks for your reply. Looking forward to that video.
Christophe MAIGNAN
4 years ago
Hi, For Ableton, you need to create 2 MIDI tracks. In the first one, you have Reaktor as VST (not AU) with Jam Sequencer inside. In the second you route "MIDI FROM" from the first track and "MIDI TO" to the Jam (hardware). Monitor must be on "IN". Personally, I didn't manage to do it correctly in Maschine Software but works fine in Ableton (SOUND => OUTPUT => MIDI not works). Best Christophe
Jan Ola @ NI
4 years ago
Hi Raymond and Yannick, there is a generic outline of the required steps to use it in a DAW in the Jam Sequencer Manual. We are also planning a video showing this in more detail, based on the feedback we have received here and elsewhere. Stay tuned!
Raymond Smith
4 years ago
@Yannick Live 10. Jam hardware no led feedback. Standalone mode works fine, midi inputs are ok but no visual feedback on the maschine in Live10 (Vst). I still have this problem.
Yannick Sandoz
4 years ago
@R.Smith "Live 10. Jam hardware no led feedback. Help please. " Me too, any update ? Standalone mode works fine, midi inputs are ok but no visual feedback on the maschine in Live10 (Vst).
Jan Ola @ NI
4 years ago
Hi Christian, we are looking into this now!
Christian Waadt
4 years ago
It is fun to play with. I am sequencing the drums with it. But I need to set the Midi-Notes every time I open the rack, because the faders are set to "Include in Snapshot" = false. After setting them to true, all works fine.
Raymond Smith
4 years ago
Can't get this to work in plugin mode in Abelton Live 10. Jam hardware no led feedback. Help please.
Raymond Smith
4 years ago
Thanks Nadine and all at NI, I've been waiting for this one.
4 years ago
@Nadine, beautiful thankyou! :)
ruben vissers
4 years ago
Nadine's tutorial was the single reason I got the jam in the first place, so... long overdue, but great nonetheless! Thanks Nadine! Stoked!
Nadine @ NI
4 years ago
Thanks for kind words about the demo, super excited for you all to finally get your hands on this!
Drew Sneed
4 years ago
Thanks Nadine, A lot of us are here from your demo a few years back! Can't wait to dive in
Nadine @ NI
4 years ago
@TJ, Jan Ola just uploaded a ready to use Rack called "Niji Jam"
heinrich zwahlen
4 years ago
Very cool!
Andreas Schmidt
4 years ago
Super Super Supergeil !!! Da haben wir lange drauf gehofft Und nun ... Danke !
beat spichtig
4 years ago
Danke schön
4 years ago
@Nadine do we have to build everything fom scratch or are there some racks to Jam with like in your video? i second what the others say (third?) about the Jam, stuff like this baked into Maschine would be wild!
Louis Conrad
4 years ago
Hammy Havoc is right, we, owners of Maschine Jam, need more of those. Don't leave this resource "untapped".
4 years ago
Jamie Salmon
4 years ago
Yes! Been waiting a long time for this :D
Ryan Dean
4 years ago
Thank you!
Hammy Havoc
4 years ago
Please keep fleshing out the Jam! It's a great piece of hardware with so much potential left untapped.
4 years ago
@nadine : great, finally there ! You got a fairly huge number of requests for this, until now !
Nadine @ NI
4 years ago
It's here!
Richard Figone
4 years ago
OMG yes. Thank you! I asked my friend who is a developer to ask about this a couple months ago, and found the artist that demo'd it on Youtube and messaged her about it too recently. We appreciate it!