Manual Morph Panel

MMP for new Snapshots

(8 Votes)
Audio Player
1.6 (Updated 4 years ago)
March 12, 2020
Reaktor 6


- FIX: bank style
- FIX: A and B value display

Paste the macro to ens level. Go to view in ens and set it to ON.

Choice a Bank, a Snapshot and hit button A for the left; same usage with button B for the right selection.

Swap button settings to apply switch positions between left (red A) and right (green B) Snapshot.

Click on Pos (Morph Position): to realise a fine result use the arrow key for up/ down.

If the instruments or Blocks don't contains Snapshots you can't morph. So prepare your patch!

Choice an ensSnap, CTRL+C for the name. Move to your first instrument and Add the ismSnap in Snapshot bank, CTRL+V for the same name as ensSnap. Go to all other instruments or Blocks and create a Snapshot. Important is now: Go back to the ensSnap and store the Snapshot. Now the ensSnap refers to all ismSnaps.

In MicMac ensemble morphing is possible