Silhouettes - Sequencer
Back to the roots
dedicated to bindlestiff who can't get enough of seqs
version 4.0
- Improve: Clock divider
- Fix: Seq 2 gate
- Fix: Transpose 1 dsp
- Reroute: Sub oscs
- Reroute: Lazy velocity
- Add: MRC 1.35
- Add: Compressor
- Add: LFO panorama
- Add: Seq legato
- Add: Seq Velo Sharl
- Remove: Pandemoneum
- Remove: EG delays
- Remove: Silhouettes gray
- Remove: 4 FX
snapshots kindly created by Jonathan Tremblay (-JT), David Coffin (dpc - R.I.P. 2021), Philippe Loiseau (p1afff) and Paule (-pa).
Inspired from Wheel of Fortune 2003 by Guenter Hager passed away autumn 2014 R.I.P.
Guenter Hager, Z Gabr, Colin Brown, Donald Philipps, Joerg Holzamer, Gabriel Gallardo, Martin Brinkmann, Noel Burgess, Jonathan Style, Mike Daliot, Uwe G. Hoenig, Philipp Loiseau, Dietrich Pank, Martin Zwartjes, freeko, Fleetmouse, Peter Dines, Tim Exile, Colin Dunkerley.
all snapshots are demonstrations for this ensemble only; free use for commercials also.
Add on demo pandoro reverse (freeze) and VuduCumulonimbo.