Racks made with KNBSTRB8 Blocks

(29 Votes)
Audio Player
1.5 (Updated 2 years ago)
February 22, 2019
Reaktor 6
Blocks Racks


This entry is the central place where you can find racks exclusively made with KNBSTRB8 blocks.

The blocks used by these racks can be downloaded at the following UL entry:

Version 1.5

Drums: 75
FX: 35
Generative: 38
Synth: 50
Utilities: 52
Total: 250


2 years ago
Such a fantastic contribution to the Racks UL! ty
Niels Speijer
2 years ago
Version 1.5: 25 new racks. Most of the new racks contain new blocks from the KNBSTRB8 collection 2.4 update.
Niels Speijer
2 years ago
Version 1.4: 25 new racks.
Petty Vendetta
3 years ago
The generosity of this community never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for this wonderful collection, Niels. This one will take some time to fully explore.
3 years ago
thanks Niels
Niels Speijer
3 years ago
Version 1.3: 25 new racks. Most of the new racks contain new blocks from the KNBSTRB8 collection 2.3 update.
Niels Speijer
3 years ago
Version 1.2: 25 new racks. Most of the new racks contain new blocks from the KNBSTRB8 collection 2.2 update.
Dirk Wallinger
4 years ago
Zwei sehr schöne Demo-Tracks! Da kommen Erinnerungen bei mir hoch in welcher Techno mit Modular-Racks live fabriziert wurde. Ok, Hardware ist etwas komplexer, aber dennoch ein schönes Statement, seitens Deiner! Thumbs up
Niels Speijer
4 years ago
Version 1.1 50 new racks. Some of them contain the new blocks from the KNBSTRB8 collection 1.1 update. Install this collection update before opening any racks from this download. Includes the KNBSTRB8 version of the Wonky Clock patch as demonstrated in this post on the Reaktor forum:
Niels Speijer
5 years ago
The plan is to contribute some blocks in patch and play format to this package.
5 years ago
good to see you're still there. Hope you will do something for the future (?) community pack !
6 years ago
@niels :
Niels Speijer
6 years ago
Philippe, Until now I did not have an account at the forum. Since I posted this collection it might be handy to log into the forum and now I have an account under the same name as here.
6 years ago
@niels : yes it’s something like that, object overlapping. Will have a closer look again. Again thanks for sharing. TW, are you on the forum?
Niels Speijer
6 years ago
Philippe, Thank you for the positive feedback. The rather strange thing that happens with the buttons under the Gain knob of AMP - VCA SAT happens with the same buttons for AMP - VCA Clean as well. I had the issue once when I built these two blocks and now I tried to replicate the issue after your post, the issue does not come up. I think the cause of this has to be found in the excessive use of real estate by the amount of functions on these blocks. The two selection buttons had to be placed closely under the Gain knob to offer room to all functionalities within the standard block size. The label of the gain knob could therefore be interfering with the buttons upon startup somehow. However, I am not sure.
6 years ago
Congrats again, Niels ! Strange little thing also in the VCA SAT. After loading it, the 2 buttons (Int/Ext and Lin /Exp) do not react normally. I have to click 3 or 4 times before they react. Once it reacts, problem never returns. It's something a little random, not always, but very often. Not a big deal though :-)
Catman Dude
6 years ago
Glad to be of help. Again, you've given us all a treasure trove of blocks to explore our music with. They're pretty too. I'm grateful for your generosity in sharing the fruits of your research.
Niels Speijer
6 years ago
Catman, Thanks for pointing out this issue and description of the deduction of the issue caused by the INT - P&G Block. I have done the same thing with P&G and an ADSR and indeed some MIDI notes were not coming through as they were supposed to do. In particular when another note was right after it, the note was skipped. I'll have a closer look at the gate signals INT - P&G gives in comparison with the factory's Note In block. P&G was designed to be a light version of Note In for non-keyboard MIDI controllers who do not have designated pitch bend wheel. The temporary workaround for the 3 OSC and 1 VCA patch here is to substitute INT - P&G with the Factory's Util - Note In.
Catman Dude
6 years ago
Thank you, Niels for sharing all your hard work with Reaktor users! I have used some of your blocks with great results. You may want to know that I encountered an issue with your INT - P&G. I used it to provide Gate signals into the factory West Coast LPG's Pluck input, and found many of the notes from my MIDI track weren't registering in the LPG. So I patched in the factory Util NoteIn block and this restored the MIDI track's notes. Should their gates be comparable?