RemoteControl 2.3
for TRK-01
Audio Player
2.3 (Updated 6 years ago)
December 21, 2018
Reaktor 6
Sound and Pattern remote for TRK-01 with Lazy Buttons
Paste in TRK-01 and connect MIDI Out with the ensemble
MIDI Kick Pattern 48-55
MIDI Kick Sound 36-43
MIDI Bass Pattern 72-79
MIDI Bass Sound 60-67
M randomize Pitch buttons
C randomize Clock Divisor
D randomize Seq Direction
V randomize Sound Velocity
Velo is switchable
Start step and step length
Every seq is switchable
- 2.3
additional instrument to control 4 sub presets
56 snapshots create with Colin's SnapBreeder
each with 8 sub presets