PS16 Sequencer.

Pattern based sequencer.

(9 Votes)
Glyn Darby
2 (Updated 6 years ago)
October 22, 2018
Reaktor 6
Instrument Sequencer


Hi all, this is a 16 note pattern based sequencer in its first form for you to play with. It has 16 patterns for the note pitch and gate plus random for the note pitch selection with gates being controlled from the pattern when run in random note selection if you get what I mean. It has 3 other matrix of sequenced outputs that are connected to Midi cc outputs but can be connected to internal inputs of Reaktor instruments. The logic function comes from Michael Hetricks great blocks collection and gives some interesting variations to the sequence patterns. Hope you enjoy it.


Hi all, a better version hopefully, sorted pitch value output to a more normal range and added a 16 step sequencer for the pattern control to add a bit of more interest,

Cheers, Glyn.