The Void
Drones & Texures - Rhythm Stepper
The Void is an instrument for making soundscapes, textures, drones and also rhythmic stuff.
There are two Sub-audio to audio multi-wave oscillators, a noise generator with various noises and a sampler loop.
Each one has his own multimode filter.
The instrument can be modulated by:
4 multiwaveform LFO
1 Sample&Hold
1 Envelope Stepper
-"Meloding" is a note progression randomizer
2 Macro controller
They are pretty assignable to all.
FX Unit with
Resochord(From Metaphysical Fabbrications)
Delay Spin(From Metaphysical Fabbrications)
Reverb(From Metaphysical Fabbrications)
Don't be afraid from the randomizer button, I made a lot of preset just pressing that button!
Hope you make interesting sounds!!
Improvements and other implementation are coming in next versions