
A Live audio sample slicer and FX proccesor

(44 Votes)
Audio Player
1.6 (Updated 6 years ago)
July 31, 2018
Reaktor 6
Effect Multi-Effect


If you feel like supporting future reaktor works by me you can donate by paypal here...

You can also contact me regarding any bugs reports or feature requests.

Thank you.

Updated on 09/12/2018

I found and fixed another error with the hold command, and then I had to fix it again because the first fix didn't work under certain conditions.

Updated on 09/06/2018

There was a bug where the hold command would be on by default whenever you opened Sensei.

This has been fixed.

Updated on 09/05/2018

I've added a "Hold" command.

Play a loop through Sensei, let it fill the sample buffer, then activate the hold mode, then change loops.

The new loop will play through as normal but when you trigger slices or audio FX it will jump back to the stored sample data allowing you to slice the old beat into the new one.

Updated on 08/31/2018 to add master length and master rate controls to the sequencers..

Updated on 08/16/2018 for a bug fix in the sequencers.

You would sometimes need to click on the bottom of the sequencer before you could click on the top to get a response and set a value, this has been fixed.

This is Sensei.

It was previously called the master FX rack, but I cleaned out the insides, replaced all the sequencers with better sequencers and updated some of the internal structure and added a pretty decent new GUI.

It is greatly improved now.

It slices, It dices, It filters and it destroys.

If sensei say, then your audio will do.

16 slice points
half tempo
Tape Stop/Sratch/Powerdown etc...

This is a video overview of the old version, it does all the same things it's just a little refined on the inside and nicely decorated on the outside.

This whole FX system is based upon the Beatlookup creation by Chris List, huge thanks to chris for creating the core design that makes this thing possible.

Thank you.


Robin Necron
2 years ago
amazing and fun ens, but the gui is unreadable... in master fx i knew what lane i was editing :
toke klinke
3 years ago
brilliant man love it
Yassine Larkin
4 years ago
You made my day. Loving it.Thanks so much.
Ben Allen
5 years ago
Insanely good device, bless you!
Catman Dude
6 years ago
I concur with Brett; this thing is awesome!
Brett Lavallee
6 years ago
This is awesome. Very useful. Thank you.
ian ainslie
6 years ago
Love what this thing can do to beats!
Greg Killmaster
6 years ago
So immediately good! Thank you! Will be using this in lots of experiments!
6 years ago
One of the best of its kind. :)
6 years ago
will try thanks man
Clifford Bowser
6 years ago
Thank you !
Sean Flannery
6 years ago
Niiiiice :D