SimpleSeq and mods to Steampipe

R3 library seq working well w/Steampipe

(4 Votes)
Audio Player
1 (Updated 6 years ago)
July 30, 2018
Reaktor 6


I just posted a YouTube demo of a 3rd party ensemble (LoopReworker by Cycles&Spots), and at one point in it, I add in some basic instruments and mdls from the factory and the UL, so I'm posting all those here, too, using Steampipe instead of the C&S ensemble, for easy access to them. Turns out, I'm very pleasantly surprised at how well Steampipe does with them, especially interacting with the built-in arp. Good stuff aging not at all!

Also used the fabulous eZ randoMize from Rich Scott, available here:

…and the just-right limiter Maximizer from Laurent Sevestre, available here:

The video showing how I implemented these is here: