Aralsk-7 2.0

Music for abandoned factories

(81 Votes)
Audio Player
2.0 (Updated 1 year ago)
June 09, 2018
Reaktor 6


May 20 2023
Version 2.0
Complete rebuild in core. It's unfinished but not really a beta. Not sure if I'll have opportunity to finish all my projects, so uploading as is.


*** Ver 1.7 *** ***1.3 snapshots will not sound the same!***

Update 1.7 - Nov 3 2018

- Complete reconstruction of the dirt section. Implementing a couple of Luca Capozzi's diode emulators.
- Channel on/off switch
- FM intensity modulation corrected, should yield more interesting results now
- Odd counts removed from Arps
- Op noise osc changed to Rnd Osc
- Pre/Post filter switch for dirt section
- Overall modulation paths renovated
- Corrected missing modulation connect to frequency shifter... big difference
- Major GUI update
- stuff I forgot

Update 1.3.1 - Aug 31, 2018
- Added snapshot bank "Viscitoar" by paule
Update 1.3 - Aug 31, 2018
- Added master compression
- Changed arpeggiators, random mode added
- Added channel activity indicators
- Added new snapshot bank, showcasing enhanced noise capacity

All to enhance industrial "feel" - make it stand apart from and complements Kantubek better (hopefully)
Update 1.2 - June 26, 2018
- Sync knobs were not connected correctly, didn't actually do anything. Now affect sync phase when sync is activated. This might affect snapshots that have sync enabled.
- Effect section change - MicroSpace is out, replaced by Metal Reverb from legacy lib. I believe this is the same reverb as in Metaphysical Function. Much more space, reduced CPU load...


Long time ago, some friends and I entered an abandoned textile factory late at night, bringing a selection of drumsticks, mallets and a Sony field recorder. All the machinery was still there, fabric samples, logs etc. – As if all the employees had just vaporized in a split second and no one had ever noticed. We placed the recorder at one end of the production hall and started hammering away on random objects at the other end. The ambient effects on the resulting recording were epic. I wanted to re-create the sounds from that jam session in a synth that was in sync an somewhat in tune.

So here we are… a sibling of Kantubek, actually it’s predecessor. Once again, intended for cinematic endeavors. Percussive Industrial Ambience if you will. Does some odd drones and pads too but really, it’s meant for soundscapes, noisy percussion and edgy sequences.
Play this one with your fingers on the keys, keep the clock running and bring your own kick.

Zip file includes "MST_Plugin.png", to be used as Komplete/Maschine icon. On Win10, place in \Users\Public\Public documents\NI Resources\image\reaktor\[create aralsk-7 folder]\MST_plugin.png
Should be fully Komple Kontrol compatible, yell if you find any errors.

Dieter Zobel – One of my favorite synths in the UL is UMOX. Aralsk-7 contains 2 modified Latinum seq’s and borrows the cross-oscillator FM idea from Grand Nagus.
Sean Costello - Aralsk-7 contains a heavily modified version of his Bode Frequency Shifter

Sound Design – OreKore/ Henning Malm 2018
Graphic design – OreKore/ Henning Malm 2018

Please give me credit if you use it in any published material.


Patrick van Raalten
2 months ago
OMG, a pure work of art! Your machines have so much original character, as do the UI's! Thank you for creating such gems!
Richard Figone
3 months ago
A classic, even though its a total CPU hog
Mark Meador
9 months ago
the UI is LOVELY indeed. Haven't used it yet, but the Demo sounds every so Crunchy! The kind of Crunchy where you salivate just a little (like you feel the need to have a Napkin at the ready).
Derek Epperson
11 months ago
This is absolutely incredible. Thank you!
Gregory Boutsikaris
11 months ago
Thanks! I use this in virtually all my tracks. From the "synthy" arps to the percussive seqs so many useable sounds. Great instrument!
Vladimir Trinity
1 year ago
Oh my, the design of IT just incredibly cool! Can't wait to try one.
1 year ago
Stephen Wrey - Thanks for the kind words. Feel free to post. Currently, Reaktor is in the backseat for me. Hopefully I'll be more active soon. Ritenight- Thank you for the very kind words. I am humbled. I was working on updates for all synths, but life happened. Desktop currently in storage. Crossing my fingers 2024 will be more productive
1 year ago
OreKore you are AWESOME. I love everything post-apocalyptic, concerning nuclear disaster and also spooky stuff... and I'm totally in love with all that you did! For every synth I'm searching for the linked disasters/sites and it just adds some kind of vibe to the synth itself. The attention to details in every label, knob and overall visual is just beautiful. And they obviously sound great. Hats off
Stephen Wey
1 year ago
This is such a fantastic ensemble - I absolutely love it I wanted to be able to control all the knobs with my Komplete Kontrol so have also made a NKS template for this - not sure if you are OK with me posting it here or alternatively I could just send it to you by DM?
1 year ago
I had to click Download a ton of times but it worked finally. Hee haw!
1 year ago
Neon Soul: right now clicking dl does nothing at all for me. I think there's a script error. NI's department. Marc: Thank you!! Dacci: Do you get clicks in standalone? Compared to the old version, this one is a bit of a cpu hog. I'm still on an old i7, and I have to stick to 48K to avoid clicks and stutters in my DAW. Get's worse if I have CPU hungry Kontakt instruments loaded in same session
1 year ago
The download link only takes me to the NI main page. Anyone have a solution?
Marc de Jong
1 year ago
don't know how you do it, but this is solid man
Dacci Pucci
1 year ago
Getting a lot of audio clicks with version 2.0 (Reaktor 6.5, Ableton Live 11.2.5, Mac OS 13.1, M1)
Hrvoje Ilić
1 year ago
solved...Native access 2 shoved 6.5.0 update...older version of N.A. shoved only 6.4.3.
1 year ago
Hrvoje, make sure you are using the lates version of Native Access. If you still have trouble, contact support or ask around in the forum. Here, it's just us users sharing our creations.
Hrvoje Ilić
1 year ago
my update download in NATIVE ACCESS is 6.4.3. win 10 user
1 year ago
Correct, saved with Reaktor 6.5. Hrvoje Ilić, you should update to 6.5 Philippe, Olek, Paule: Thank you for your kind words. Good to see you guys are still around too :)
Hrvoje Ilić
1 year ago
cannot open becouse saved with ver 6.5.0. freshly updated to 6.4.3.(win)
1 year ago
nice to see you back, as long as possible hoprfully
Olek Fang
1 year ago
Thank you !!! I really love your work.. Keep it up !!
1 year ago
Welldone, Henning, thank you.
Meziah Jolley
2 years ago
Well, as OreKore said, you need to run the clock. In Standalone go to Options and choose Run Clock. If you open the instrument in a DAW like FL Studio - Just press the spacebar to run the clock and it will work.
Meziah Jolley
2 years ago
I seem to have the same problem as a lot of people here. No sound output. Everything else works fine. This is a really great VST. I hope you can figure out why there is no output.
2 years ago
I can't believe I just discovered this along with the rest (I knew about Koax. but didn't realize the treasure trove of others just waiting to be explored!). Brilliant work, really appreciate it.
3 years ago
just saw these "no sound" comments. I downloaded, unzipped and ran in standalone mode. Everything fine on my end. R6.3, Win10. Did you guys remember to start the clock?
Richard Williams
3 years ago
Same as others, use your other synths, but this one has zero output. Shame.
Richard Mordecai
4 years ago
Oh no! No sound. Maybe since the update to Reaktor 6.3? It worked for me in the past.
Mark Meador
5 years ago
Same here: NO output of sound. And, like James Webb, I too have your other 2 synths, both of which function perfectly and sound AMAZING! FYI: With my mixer turned all the way UP, I can just barely here the presets.
James Webb
5 years ago
Cannot get any sound out of it. Your other synths work fine. Running Reaktor 6.3 on a Win10 system
James Webb
5 years ago
Cannot get any sound out of it. Your other synths work fine. Running Reaktor 6.3 on a Win10 system
Scott Schafer
5 years ago
harnessd chaos - l0v3 it!
6 years ago
@ Brandon: You need Reaktor 6.2 full version installed. The synth doesn't care what OS you're into
Brandon J Banks
6 years ago
is this unit compatible with MAC OS? if yes which OS ? 10.7? 10.8? 10.9? 10.10? 10.11? 10.12? or is for Windows? if yes...which Windows OS? Windows 7? windows 8? windows 10?
alex plasko
6 years ago
Top Notch ! Thank You
Nico Steckhan
6 years ago
Great inspiring sounds coming from this. Thanks for sharing.
6 years ago
Thank you very much for reuploading these. Hopefully you have time to upload Kursk as well, as it's effected by the vanishing download link bug still, too :). Your instruments are some of the very best there have ever been for Reaktor.
Sascha Sachs
6 years ago
I'm completely stunned! Thank you so much.
6 years ago
Yup, that's a biggie. You might generally be growing out of Reaktor defaults with that one... most of the buttons I use are Reaktor's, medium size, and my knobs are roughly the size of Reaktor medium. I use 2 screens, works better for me that way :)
Thomas M
6 years ago
4k being 3840 x 2160. The design makes more sense with your explanation in mind! thank you for the response :)
6 years ago
Thanks, Thomas. Not sure what you mean by 4K. My screen is 1080p (1920x1080), and sure, I need to pay attention but I intentionally cram them into this space. That way they fit with Boscomac's ins, and I get to have several synths open in my DAW. The GUI is a lot of work so unless someone pays me they'll remain small. Cheers
Thomas M
6 years ago
I love your work! will there ever be high-dpi gui for any of your synths? They're currently quite hard to navigate while working on a 4k display.
6 years ago
thanks for the kind words and your patience. Ver 1.7 up now instead
6 years ago
Many thanks to the builders and sound designers here. The user library is a constant delight. I used your ensemble here ( and I am very grateful for the hours of work you put into it.
Adam Guth
6 years ago
Still no download button
6 years ago
6 years ago
I pm Mick @ NI that somebody has stolen the download button from U/L. Hope he isn't in weekend!
Cryptic Tone
6 years ago
Whats news in a current version or this is just thread up?
Martin Blasko
6 years ago
I enjoy this so much. Me being both from Brno and now living in Durness, hehehee. It's so damn good
Klas Linder
6 years ago
Wow! OreKore, just discovered all you ensembles. Man, what can I say!? Sooo freakin' amazing! Its like I wanna hug you or something! THANKS for your beautiful work! Lovely sounds!
6 years ago
I like your extented Aralsk-7!
6 years ago
Sean, That's pretty cool. I like it a lot!!
6 years ago
Moritz, thanks for the update! I'm actually relieved to hear it worked out... don't want anyone to be suffering ;)
6 years ago
Paule, Thanks for answering Jimi. I currently have to spent a lot of time away from the computer, so it's much appreciated. Jimi, hope you got it sorted out
Moritz Noll
6 years ago
Hi OreKore, thank you for your advice. I updated Reaktor and downloaded aralsk-7 again (this time version 1.2, before that I had version 1.0) and now everything works finde and looks as it´s supposed to be, too. Thanks again for this great synth. Cheers, Moe
Sean Joyce
6 years ago
I made a track using mostly Aralsk-7 .
6 years ago
On standalone start the midi clock [press play]
Jimi Grant
6 years ago
Loaded it in Reaktor, but no sound...producing midi input...I see all inputs/outputs attached??? what's up?
6 years ago
Yeah! 8 tunes within 3 hours. The whole Dahu series 1-7 has 48 tracks during 18 hours. ty for listening. If you want more type in searching window: Paule
6 years ago
haven't had time to listen to it all, but I really like Graceful Forest
6 years ago
A new free album using Hennings instruments: ---
6 years ago
Zdenek, please please please make some snapshots with Czech names!! I promise I'll insert finger in throat in gratitude!!
6 years ago
@Paule Brno CZ is quite ordinary name/word. What about Pstruh (trout). Or try "Strc prst skrz krk." [str-cz prst skrz krk] tongue twister meaning roughly Insert finger deep into throat. :-DDD
6 years ago
Moritz, I would like to see a screenshot of that... it sounds really weird. As you might know I'm just a user, like you, who built a synth. However I will do what I can to try to help you, I just never heard of anything like what you're describing. The synth contains mostly factory primary modules and no core level programming by me, so I have sense the error is not directly related to the synth. I recommend you try to download it again and then try to run it directly from inside the .zip file (is posibble on Win10). Second, make sure your Reaktor is up to date, current version is 6.2.2. Keep me posted, cheers
6 years ago
Partly used instruments by OreKore ---
Moritz Noll
6 years ago
Thanks for your fast reply OreKore. The error occurs when I run Reaktor as a plugin in Ableton live and by running it as standalone version too. I´m not using Komplete Kontrol. Changes I do on the right (the mirrored) side don´t have effects on the sound most of the time ( but sometimes they do). I use a MacBook Pro and Reaktor 6. Cheers :)
Sean Joyce
6 years ago
Fab synth !
6 years ago
Pwlmp is a bit like Brno in CZ
6 years ago
Colin - I made about 350 snapshots before curating a user bank. It's a lot of names to come up with, so I chose to pick the names from an atlas. Mostly very remote places but I included Wales because there's some pretty cool town names there... I think my favorite is Pwlmp
6 years ago
Thanks, Moritz. I'm a little puzzled about that graphics error you're getting. Should definitely not be like that and I'm not getting the error myself. Are you using Komplete Kontrol? Or is this happening in Reaktor standalone mode or in a DAW?
Moritz Noll
6 years ago
Sounds pretty nice :) But when I open it in REAKTOR I see the Synth twice. It´s like it´s getting mirrored inside of REAKTOR or of it hat opened it twice in one REAKTOR-track. I can choose different Presets simultaneously but only the left one plays and gets modulated. It looks exactly like if you have the pic of the synth on this side printed two times on one sheet of paper. Should it be like that? And, if not, can I disable it somewhere? Thanks for your help and the great Synth you made! Cheers :)
6 years ago
Also, is your Raektor up to date? This was built with 6.2.1 (R54)
6 years ago
Sascha, I don't use Ableton so I can't really help you much. Does it work for you in standalone? Have you tried other DAWs?
6 years ago
Thank you very much to everyone for the kind words!
Sascha Sachs
6 years ago
Live 10 crashes immediately when I try to load it. Win10
6 years ago
6 years ago
partly used oreKore Reaktor instruments -
andre cubilo
6 years ago
What !!!!!! man, this thing is pretty amazing, ugly, 1 of my best so far, impressive work really
James Wayts
6 years ago
Colin Consterdine
6 years ago
This synth is just excellent! Intrigued as to why one preset is named after a yn Ysgol Cymraeg! All 4 of your synths are great but this one is exceptional. Thank you
Damon Krause
6 years ago
Very impressive, thank you.
Catman Dude
6 years ago
My goodness, this thing sounds amazing, wonderfully imaginative! Spang on!
6 years ago
A textile gamelan wedding happening in a factory
Pawel Spychala
6 years ago
Fantastic !!! Thank you :)
6 years ago
nice and thx
6 years ago
I like your ideas.