Attractor Playground : Roybox 11

Noise making with Strange Attractors

(20 Votes)
Audio Player
v1 (Updated 7 years ago)
November 04, 2017
Reaktor 6


This ensemble contains the majority of the 2D and 3D strange attractors uploaded by Franz Baureis. The original collection is here:

A roybox is a self-contained noise making machine. Roybox 11 uses the innards of my attractor blocks to modulate an 8 voice oscillator. The 2D and 3D attractors run simultaneously, providing five signals which modulate numerous parameters.

There are three oscillator choices. BASIC is a simple sin/saw/pls/tri/imp oscillator, MICRO is a modified version of Sandy Small's Microwave oscillator and AKWF is a cross-fading wavetable oscillator using the Adventure Kid single cycle Waveforms.

Voice delay is driven by the 2D attractor and provides stereo variations.

The signal path ends with a simple feedback delay along with the R60L reverb created by Martijn Zwartjes/lAZyfISh.

I've included snapshots for all the 3D attractors.

Attractors are erratic wonders, providing a wide range of modulation styles. The shapes of the output can vary drastically when frequency and smoothing are changed. This seems especially true of the 2D attractors- High frequencies with no smoothing result in fractal like shapes whereas low frequencies with only a small amount of smoothing will produce uncertain and more linear stepped modulation.

Some of the attractors have parameters that will be available to the right of the selection list (Sorry about the shortened names. No space!).

Reset will initialise the attractor whilst also resetting the min/max values for scaling into the 0-1 range. If you're seeing no movement from an attractor then try a reset and turn up the frequency.

Credit for the clever stuff goes to Franz for creating the original collection of attractors.


Frederico Padrel
6 years ago
This deservs 6 stars !!! Thanks
7 years ago
Awesome! I set in front snapshot autoMorpher and at the audio end MadPad from 2003.
Greg Johnson
7 years ago
Greg Killmaster
7 years ago
Thank you for this. This is superbly great!
Thala Estra
7 years ago
man... i wanted to finish the kodiak mod. but, well... lets see how this will work in goldcap :)
Bart Luyckx
7 years ago
Lots of fun