16/8/4/3 Channel Crossfading Routing Matrix

one slider to shift all inputs/output with crossfade

(6 Votes)
2.00a (Updated 7 years ago)
June 07, 2017
Reaktor 6


UPDATE 2.00a now contains these Variations:

16->16 XF Routing Matrix
1 ->16 XF Routing Matrix
16->1 XF Routing Matrix

8->8 XF Routing Matrix
1->8 XF Routing Matrix
8->1 XF Routing Matrix

4->4 XF Routing Matrix
1->4 XF Routing Matrix
4->1 XF Routing Matrix

3->3 XF Routing Matrix
1->3 XF Routing Matrix
3->1 XF Routing Matrix

16 input/output matrix (and Variations)
one core array is doing the whole job

delete the input-constants and numeric readouts and use it for audio or cv in your synth/blocks


the "shift all" slider/fader is selecting (rotating all inputs) which input is written into which array adress.(integer)
the single selectors per channel are simply selecting which array will read from for each output. (intger)

the "shift all"-slider is set to float, its remainder is send to crossfade between 2 array adress outputs. which are selected by the "single"-knobs 1-16

the routing is done by core tables to save cpu (math and wrapping otherwise),
so if you think you can easily do a 4, 8 or 12 matrix... nope. the core tables needs to be written new: 0-8 for example. (which isn`t THAT hard...)


have fun builders!

it was taken from goldcap, reworked and cleaned up


arnout killian
7 years ago
Thanks a lot!
Thala Estra
7 years ago
@Marcel Stark you can SEE it working in Goldcap :)
Thala Estra
7 years ago
@eloise https://www.native-instruments.com/forum/threads/msvcp140-and-support-community-woes.313150/
eloise b
7 years ago
Il manque dll MSVCP140 pour faire fonctionner Reaktor 6.1.1
eloise b
7 years ago
Marcel Stark
7 years ago
Not tested so far - but if it do like in the describtion - 1001 Thanks!