Cloudlab 200t

Buchla based modular system

(296 Votes)
Audio Player
1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0 (Updated 4 years ago)
March 20, 2017
Reaktor 6


Buchla 200 and 200e based modular system.
Follow my work @trevorgavilan

Disclaimer: This is not an official emulation by BEMI Buchla Electronic Musical Instruments, Buchla and Associates or Eardrill. This ensemble has been created for fun having a Buchla resemblance and workflow for inspirational and educational purposes.
Original trademark and copyright ©2005 by Buchla and Associates. Ensemble programing by Trevor Gavilan.
Designed for the Native Instruments Reaktor platform.

The demo song for this ensemble is part of my latest album, you can see the video here: it was recorded and performed entirely using a SINGLE instance of the Cloudlab.

Original concept based on Donald Buchla's 200 and 200e system.
Ensemble programming - Trevor Gavilan.
GUI and Cable/Patch programming - Jason Wells.
V2 GUI - David Frappaz.
Technical advisor - Jesse Voccia.
Hardware notes - Jesse Voccia, Antonio Isaac and Leonardo Mendez.


All 3 versions are now included. Please refer to the written manual.
It is imperative that the user has previous knowledge of Buchla systems as the workflow is almost the same.
There are NO PRESETS on version 3 because as in real life, modulars don't have presets.
You can refer to Todd Barton's YouTube channel for tutorials or the original Buchla user manual.
In order to use the .jzml file, you need to own and know how to operate Lemur. I totally recommend the investment.

Thank you all for the support across the years.
Love from all the team.


Richard Figone
4 months ago
Came back just to add that it IS possible however to route modules back into themselves like a real Buchla here, you just have to use the attenuator or signal mixer blocks.
Richard Figone
4 months ago
I'm not a creator by any means, so I have possibly no place to ask, nor do I possess the know how of accomplishing it, but perhaps this should be updated so that you can patch out of a module right back into itself like Buchla is designed to do (according to a lot of tutorials I've been watching). Nevertheless, great work on this. I'm having fun exploring it.
Jeremy Brookes
1 year ago
You don't use Native Access to install libraries like this. See
1 year ago
how do i install this properly using native access? is there any serial number even it's free? thanks
Marcelo Godoy
1 year ago
Awesome work Trevor! I'm a noob with Reaktor and I'm looking to integrate the ensemble with some other blocks. Is there a way to convert the pitch from a sequencer block to a cv signal? Thanks
Simon Pick
1 year ago
Fabulous, best ensemble in Reaktor. I can just get lost in creating wonderful sounds. The Buclha architecture really makes you think differently.
Luiz Zen
1 year ago
Hi. Is this ensemble compatible with Komplete Kontrol? I doesn't appear it KK browser even after adding the folder where the ensemble is to the User Library preferences and rescanning. Thanks
Joel Chamberlain
2 years ago
Manual needs updating, please.
Buzz Ambience
2 years ago
So if I buy Reaktor 6 then I will be able to play this? I had a Buchla 200e system for a couple years, so working the modules is not the issue---computer program know-how to get it up and running would be!
israel Frank
3 years ago
beautiful !
Magluss Música y Naturaleza
3 years ago
Very interesting!! Downloading. Demo, very beautiful. Thank you ver much!!
Joel Chamberlain
3 years ago
The Utility module Ext. Clock 1/4 and smaller divisors seem to be incorrect in the V3 version I just downloaded.
3 years ago
Anik try Edit mode
3 years ago
hello can any one help me , the patch cables are not working ?
3 years ago
does any one have patches ?
Robert Valentine
3 years ago
Amazing work from Trevor! Thank you very much! Posted on :
Güral Top
3 years ago
Just AMAZING! Thank you very much! Great work.
4 years ago
one of the best synths, and sequencer out there! Thank you so much for all the work!
Andrew Jones
4 years ago
This will be incredible played with a Sensel Morph + Buchla overlay. Amazing work Trevor, for the longest time I just sat and admired this without patching a single thing.
Nick Dwyer
4 years ago
Hey Trevor, this isn't spam I hope. I'd be honoured if you wanted to join and contribute to my new Reaktor facebook page at Cheers, Nick Dwyer
Simon Clayden
4 years ago
This is really excellent! unbelievable. One tip that took me a while to smooth out was that my copy of Reaktor (standalone) had its Control Rate set to something like 400 Hz this meant that the V3 version didn't sound right; so I switched to the other versions which worked, I then became frustrated because I wanted to use the cables, so went back to the V3 and finally switched the Control Rate to 25 Hz this sorted the issue. I then opened Reaktor in Cubase and it ran fine changing the Control Rate to whatever I wanted. I will test again in the standalone version as it could just be my computer etc. The Lemur file is a really nice touch yet realised the controls were not setup for OSC directly in Reaktor, so unless I'm missing something these required the learn function to catch the OSC message. Incredible work Thank you!!!
Peter Silvers
4 years ago
Thanks for the response @trevorgavilan I managed to sort the issue. I'm trying to run before I can walk I think!
Trevor Gavilan
4 years ago
@Peter Silvers. Do you mean a snapshot to load? Or simply a matter of connecting the right out to the right in and general functionality. Chances are that might be the issue. It's very important to know the workflow of a Buchla system or gather resources or tutorials. Cheers
Peter Silvers
4 years ago
Hi Trevor, so I was seduced by the lovely sounds in your demo and downloaded the system but I'm struggling to get the patch leads to work? Running Reaktor 6.4 on a new [ish] Mac. Is there something I have to enable?
andre cubilo
4 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing this !!! your cloudlab improv is quite impressive !!! amazing work.
Trevor Gavilan
4 years ago
@D B For then rocket scientists in deed :) @Claudio Roviralta I’m sorry I no longer have previous versions of Reaktor. @Richard Figone thank you. That is indeed me in Instagram, the tattoo guy haha.
4 years ago
this one for the rocket scientists, daunting
Claudio Roviralta
4 years ago
Where can I find a version that works on Reaktor 6.0? Three versions here ask me for 6.4 version...Thanks!
Richard Figone
4 years ago
Thank you so much. This is SUCH a wonderful contribution. Tried looking for you on IG, but couldn't find @trevorgavilan. Lovely demo track.
4 years ago
Thank you your efforts are very much appreciated!
Dave Smith
4 years ago
Trevor YOU SO ROCK! the multi-version file is a dream come true - THANK YOU! DS_in_the_ATX
Trevor Gavilan
4 years ago
haha, You're funny Pedro. Getting all ramped up for something you didn't have to pay for nor understand. READ the manual and get to know the Buchla environment, the connections work the same. No presets, just like the real world. Anyway, to everyone else. Thank you all for the support, I'll be fixing the Gate and PB issue along with including the past versions on a single zip file for Xmas. Cheers.
Pedro Ferrão
4 years ago
Another one where in the fuck is the Signal Administrator page in this thing. And where does the file 200t Control.jzml goes and what it is would also be interesting to know in a assembling instructions. Where can i get the 1,5 version ???
Pedro Ferrão
4 years ago
Better description. When i open the the Trevor Gavillan .ens. file it shows the buchla looking modules playing alone some random hi pitch sequence called Untitled Snapshot and there is no other presets and no access to the pages of boxes i've seen on youtube videos so i,m assuming that the installation is not correct and i can't find any instruction on how to "mount" this i just can't use it. I wold like to thank somebody but there is nothing to be grateful for, yet i hope.
Lloyd Miles
4 years ago
Anyone had issues using Lemur with this? Reaktor is receiving OSC signals fine from Lemur but nothing happens on the device. This happens in both standalone and VST versions of Reaktor. Thanks!
Pedro Ferrão
4 years ago
Where (in what directory) do i place the files with the "ens." extension. If someone could tell me right here it would be appreciated. Thanks.
giona francesco arturo vinti
4 years ago
thanks for this awesome ensemble! incredible piece of art!
Andreas Neufeld
4 years ago
the donation links to another person with the same name, i dont think its him. i think a lot of people would be donating if you fixxed the link because this is so good
Phil Price
4 years ago
Trevor, I have been learning Cloudlab for a project I am working on. Amazing work. I wanted to donate something but I could not figure it from the link opposite. So I bought all your music on Bandcamp instead. Thank you.
Quinn Hanratty
4 years ago
Would it be a lot of work to make this in racks mode? Amazing ensemble.
4 years ago
If you own a large screen, 20" are too small, save each module as instrument and paste it in Reaktor 6.4 Racks mode. At least wire the cables.
Pierre Collard
4 years ago
oups sorry... stupid me, It needs to be in edit/panel view. This is great stuff!
Pierre Collard
4 years ago
arg... patch doesn't work in reaper (everything is up to date, both reaper, reaktor and windows...)
Kevin Mahonchak
4 years ago
Just wanted to confirm that the MIDI-G out and MIDI-PB out on the utility module are indeed reversed. If you look at the structure view, whenever you connect a cable to the MIDI-G output, it actually connects it to the MIDI-PB output instead (and vice versa). Don't know enough about Reaktor though to correct it. I assume most people using the module must just use the sequencer to control pitch instead of an external keyboard, since I've only noticed one other post so far regarding the issue. Sounds nice though.
Marlon Jarek
4 years ago
just downloaded it and will try it out. i LOVE your "demo" track. really nice stuff!
Mikel Casanova
4 years ago
Nuno Cabral
4 years ago
Looks amazing! A 101 tutorial on basic patching would be awesome! Thanks for this .ens!
Plamen Valchev
4 years ago
Torsten Haak With Reaktor v6.3.2 to be able to connect cable in Reason or any other DAW, when you open Reaktor got to EDIT mode and then everything works.
Plamen Valchev
4 years ago
Fantastic... Thank a lot! To Torsten Haak works on my Reason, same version, but my Reaktor is v6.3.1
Matt Ritenburg
4 years ago
Great project, but it doesn't work very well on Reaktor v6.3.2. It's very buggy, many of the panel controls do not work as expected, and the 3 pre-built ensembles are crashing Reaktor.
Michael Pilyavskiy
4 years ago
This is so awesome with real wires. Also demo is great! Thanks for such a beatuful work.
Torsten Haak
5 years ago
Hallo, it sounds great (if I use it stand alone) but in Reason Version 10 (10.4d4 Build 9.878) it doesn`t work. I can`t connect cables.
Winfried Sitte
5 years ago
Muchas Gracias Trevor! The Cloudlab has become such a staple in my projects, and this takes it to another level. So grateful, Thank you!
5 years ago
sam eddy
5 years ago
honestly i cant thank you enough, this is amazing a great step up from v2 thankyou
Eric Curkendall
5 years ago
Hurrah! Cloudlab being almost second to none my fave Reaktor Ensemble, now with patch connections, that is so major, did not like clicking over to the B panel and trying to guess what all the abbreviations on the panels and drop down menus meant. To me that just doesn't work it is too confusing and fraught with bottlenecks to my flow to ever get as deep with Cloudlab as it deserves. Agreed with Paule, it is high time NI gave us the ability to save patches with the connections intact. There are now free programs that are running circles around Reaktor in many respects such as VCV Rack that offer such a nice saveable patch cord virtual modular interface that I rarely touched Reaktor this past year which is a shame, it does not deserve that, but thats how it is if it is such a headache to use as a virtual patchable modular rig.
Quinn Hanratty
5 years ago
Could anyone tell me a few connections to make to start getting a sound going? This ensemble looks and sounds amazing but I am not familiar with how to set it up.
Petty Vendetta
5 years ago
Yesss! Thanks Trevor and Jason for your persistence.
5 years ago
very nice. this is really my favorite thing in the UL!
5 years ago
many thanks for this ...
Marco Tamburini
5 years ago
May be I am wrong, but the "Midi G" output on the Utility module, looks to me to be inverted with the Midi P+PB output. It means that from the "Midi G" out exits pitch values. By the way, fantastic software, thanks
5 years ago
Pawel Spychala
5 years ago
Trevor thanks :)
5 years ago
It's high time for NI to update R6 with saveable cables in the the snapshots. Thank you both.
Alex Held
5 years ago
Hey guys, I just tested out the new V3. Its incredible! So easy to loose myself into and I cannot stop patching and experimenting. You guys did a wonderful job by creating such a crazy and wonderful instrument. Congratulations!
Guillaume Richard
5 years ago
YAAAAY! thank you Trevor and friends!:)
maq modify
5 years ago
... and to Jason; I only just read that lines about the update ...
maq modify
5 years ago
That is an AMAZING christmas present. Thank you for that, Trevor! I am a huge fan of Cloudlab since the first version. Just .... THANK YOU !
Trevor Gavilan
5 years ago
Hope you guys enjoy this last and final version. Thank you all for your incredible support. VIDEO TUTORIALS COMING SOON!
5 years ago
There suppose to be a new version of this using reaktor's new wire scheme. That's the one I would like to try out!
Rulgert Ghostalker
5 years ago
i donated $30, probably a minimum donation, but that's about what i pay per on bundled synths, and i already have the Arturia Buchla Easel V...just figuring i will use this on a future track at some point, Great Work Trevor.
José Reis
5 years ago
The track on preview is awesome! Thank you
5 years ago
Winfried Sitte
5 years ago
I love this it's awesome. Working on tacks usign this and stumbled across an anomaly: the source of confusion has lived up to its name - I can't seem to get a CV signal from any of its modules. am I doing something wrong? I send cv (any ABCD) into any Osc (princ or mod) and I expect the pitch to wobble/step - nothing happens. Pitches stay fixed.
Paul Rushworth
5 years ago
Truly remarkable maany thanks
Anthony Lee
5 years ago
5 years ago
like no other. good to see buchla in the UL!
ansis ozolins
5 years ago
A blocks version of this would be incredible, am hoping that it is reasonable to do , Im just about to start getting my head around this Buchla system , i got a feeling that i aint going to look back ! Thanks :)
Runaway Trainset
5 years ago
I found your Spotify page & the Donate page on your website, so all good. Thanks again, :)
Runaway Trainset
5 years ago
The Demo track is amazing. Can it be bought anywhere? Incredible work Trevor. Thank You!
Andrew Atz
5 years ago
where is the manual????
Jure Jerebic
6 years ago
Has anyone figured out how to change a pitch with a note from a DAW? Gate works, but pitch doesn't do anything.
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
NATIVE-INSTRUMENTS.CⓄM/fileadmin/userlib/demos/812442_5814.05_A_World_Within.mp3 Ԑpm.nihtiW_blroW_A_50.4185_244218\ƨomɘb\dilrɘƨu\nimbaɘlif\MⓄϽ.ƧTИƎMUЯTƧИI-ƎVITAИ NATIVE-INSTRUMENTS.CⓄM/fileadmin/userlib/demos/812442_5814.05_A_World_Within.mp3 Ԑpm.nihtiW_blroW_A_50.4185_244218\ƨomɘb\dilrɘƨu\nimbaɘlif\MⓄϽ.ƧTИƎMUЯTƧИI-ƎVITAИ NATIVE-INSTRUMENTS.CⓄM/fileadmin/userlib/demos/812442_5814.05_A_World_Within.mp3 Ԑpm.nihtiW_blroW_A_50.4185_244218\ƨomɘb\dilrɘƨu\nimbaɘlif\MⓄϽ.ƧTИƎMUЯTƧИI-ƎVITAИ NATIVE-INSTRUMENTS.CⓄM/fileadmin/userlib/demos/812442_5814.05_A_World_Within.mp3 Ԑpm.nihtiW_blroW_A_50.4185_244218\ƨomɘb\dilrɘƨu\nimbaɘlif\MⓄϽ.ƧTИƎMUЯTƧИI-ƎVITAИ NATIVE-INSTRUMENTS.CⓄM/fileadmin/userlib/demos/812442_5814.05_A_World_Within.mp3 Ԑpm.nihtiW_blroW_A_50.4185_244218\ƨomɘb\dilrɘƨu\nimbaɘlif\MⓄϽ.ƧTИƎMUЯTƧИI-ƎVITAИ NATIVE-INSTRUMENTS.CⓄM/fileadmin/userlib/demos/812442_5814.05_A_World_Within.mp3 Ԑpm.nihtiW_blroW_A_50.4185_244218\ƨomɘb\dilrɘƨu\nimbaɘlif\MⓄϽ.ƧTИƎMUЯTƧИI-ƎVITAИ NATIVE-INSTRUMENTS.CⓄM/fileadmin/userlib/demos/812442_5814.05_A_World_Within.mp3 Ԑpm.nihtiW_blroW_A_50.4185_244218\ƨomɘb\dilrɘƨu\nimbaɘlif\MⓄϽ.ƧTИƎMUЯTƧИI-ƎVITAИ NATIVE-INSTRUMENTS.CⓄM/fileadmin/userlib/demos/812442_5814.05_A_World_Within.mp3 Ԑpm.nihtiW_blroW_A_50.4185_244218\ƨomɘb\dilrɘƨu\nimbaɘlif\MⓄϽ.ƧTИƎMUЯTƧИI-ƎVITAИ
Connie Campbell
6 years ago
Wow, that demo soundtrack was Epic!
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
YⓄUTUBE.CⓄM/channel/UCc0WLz3lJqz06EN6sqyHZCw wϽZHyqƨ6ИƎ60zqJl3zLW0ɔϽU\lɘnnahɔ\MⓄϽ.ƎBUTUⓄY YⓄUTUBE.CⓄM/channel/UCc0WLz3lJqz06EN6sqyHZCw wϽZHyqƨ6ИƎ60zqJl3zLW0ɔϽU\lɘnnahɔ\MⓄϽ.ƎBUTUⓄY YⓄUTUBE.CⓄM/channel/UCc0WLz3lJqz06EN6sqyHZCw wϽZHyqƨ6ИƎ60zqJl3zLW0ɔϽU\lɘnnahɔ\MⓄϽ.ƎBUTUⓄY YⓄUTUBE.CⓄM/channel/UCc0WLz3lJqz06EN6sqyHZCw wϽZHyqƨ6ИƎ60zqJl3zLW0ɔϽU\lɘnnahɔ\MⓄϽ.ƎBUTUⓄY YⓄUTUBE.CⓄM/channel/UCc0WLz3lJqz06EN6sqyHZCw wϽZHyqƨ6ИƎ60zqJl3zLW0ɔϽU\lɘnnahɔ\MⓄϽ.ƎBUTUⓄY YⓄUTUBE.CⓄM/channel/UCc0WLz3lJqz06EN6sqyHZCw wϽZHyqƨ6ИƎ60zqJl3zLW0ɔϽU\lɘnnahɔ\MⓄϽ.ƎBUTUⓄY YⓄUTUBE.CⓄM/channel/UCc0WLz3lJqz06EN6sqyHZCw wϽZHyqƨ6ИƎ60zqJl3zLW0ɔϽU\lɘnnahɔ\MⓄϽ.ƎBUTUⓄY YⓄUTUBE.CⓄM/channel/UCc0WLz3lJqz06EN6sqyHZCw wϽZHyqƨ6ИƎ60zqJl3zLW0ɔϽU\lɘnnahɔ\MⓄϽ.ƎBUTUⓄY
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6 years ago
6 years ago
amazing ...just amazing 11
Hans Baier
6 years ago
When I open the .ens file with Reaktor it says: "Error, not a valid Reaktor file". Can anyone reproduce this?
beat spichtig
6 years ago
Danke vielmals für dieses wunderschöne Instrument.
mohbub hossain
6 years ago
thanks a lot
gentleclockdivider .
6 years ago
Proof that the primary modules still rock !
6 years ago
Brilliant Trevor! You've done it again. More patches???
Stanislav Voytsekhovskiy
6 years ago
Vincent Fliniaux
6 years ago
Hey Trevor I just discovered that in the B panel the Swirl CV IN 2 and 3 are inverted. I searched for one hour before understand the problem so it can be useful to fix it for others! ;-) Cheers!
Luis Berron
6 years ago
I mean WOW! Not only the synth is the best sounding soft synth (hands down) ever made but the Lemur integration and the aesthetics are really nice. Just a great wonderful round project here. Congratulations Trevor.
Petty Vendetta
6 years ago
jeepers..thanks Trevor. Always wanted one of these. Enjoyed your video as well. Cheers!
Matthew Rogalsky
6 years ago
Just downloaded and tried to open in Reaktor 6, but getting error message "Not a valid Reaktor file." Any suggestions? Thanks.
Vincent Fliniaux
6 years ago
It's just the best sounding virtual synth I ever heard! Is there a way to reset the phase of any osc? I think it's not in the original design but I miss it a lot. Maybe in the V3? ;-) Cheers
6 years ago
Great sounding ensemble, nice work
Catman Dude
6 years ago
Best synth I've ever used. Not just in Reaktor. Best synth, period. I'm dumbfounded, in awe of the understanding that must be in your head, Trevor, to create such a gorgeous synth.
vaibhav batra
6 years ago
Has anyone created a custom MIDI controller for this, so far? I want to take it out for live performance and can't rely on Lemur for that. Any tips would be really appreciated.
Jonathan Canupp
6 years ago
Quick note to say that my issue was related to a failed update. After uninstalling/re-installing and updating R6, I was able to open this ensemble. And... it is mind-blowing. The sound quality is absolutely astounding - the interface is beautiful (and surprisingly intuitive) - I have only praise for this ensemble. Great work Trevor, Cloudlab lives among the best ensembles ever created in Reaktor! :)
Greg Killmaster
6 years ago
Anyone know where to download Cloudlab v1? I can't seem to find a link.
Jonathan Canupp
6 years ago
For some reason, I've never been able to open this ensemble. The zip unpacks and I see all of the files. When I attempt to open the ensemble, the following error message is displayed: "Error while reading file ... * filename/location * Not a valid Reaktor file!". It seems that no one else has reported this problem - I've even tried uninstalling/re-installing + updating Reaktor, with no luck. I'm AM able to open the PDF and the lemur template. So weird... Cloudlab v1 is one of my favorite ensembles btw. Looking forward to using this ... soon!
Ma Ru
6 years ago
Been reworking the Lemur template so all of the controls are on the template. But I can't figure out how to get it so that when I change something in the Reaktor interface, it moves the corresponding controlled in Lemur. It would be nice to know this, if anyone has a clue. Been looking, not sure what to search for.
Ma Ru
6 years ago
I've been running this in stand alone, feeding the sound into my DAW of choice with Soundflower (mac thing, not sure what PC thing is.) This lets me see the whole interface at once. My DAW vst window won't allow this. Getting it to synch with the DAW's clock source wasn't obvious, but online research gave me the answer.
Elias kfoury
6 years ago
Good Job!! Thanks for Sharing :)
Ma Ru
6 years ago
oh no! the coolest synth ever just got better! I'll never leave the house again! this is gonna be fun!
Greg Killmaster
6 years ago
Hi Trevor, Is there a way to make more parameters available to automate? Right now, the only ones that detected by my DAW are from 227t module.
jace cavacini
6 years ago
i did RTFM. i guess there's just too much complexity here for me to grasp the necessary steps. It's way too involved for my dyslexic processing. A much more simplified signal flow or controls would be nice, but i guess that would remove what people like about it (modular insanity).
Werner Haider
6 years ago
rtfm ;-)
Trevor Gavilan
6 years ago
In order to sync it to your DAW please select the 1/4 1/8 1/16 clocks from the input list and into any ext. clock in then engage the buttons regarding ext. clock on the desired module. Or you could sync up a function from the 281 as well and switch it to transient mode so the ext. clock triggers it. OR you could refer to the user manual where this is explained in detail.
6 years ago
HOLY SHIZZLE!!!! I am NOT one to comment normally, but this thing is SO GOOD! amazing sounds!
Jure Jerebic
6 years ago
Hopefully we can get this external clock going soon, it's not too useful when one can't sync it to a BPM...
Scott Weiser
6 years ago
WOW........... Holy S***!!!!!!!
jace cavacini
6 years ago
i can't do anything with external clock either.
Muralidheran Shanmugan
7 years ago
7 years ago
Trevor Gavilan
7 years ago
Okay guys, there are just too many questions regarding how to program the system, specially for basic things so I think I'm gonna do some Youtube live streams around how to program it. Don't know when exactly tho... You can subscribe to my Youtube channel and follow me on Facebook or Instagram and I'll post a date and time for when this could happen. Once again, thank you all for your kind comments.
Greg Killmaster
7 years ago
OMG, I love this so much. Its taken me and my music on a hay ride and now I don't think I want to return to the farm. Thank you for this! I tried doing an NKS mapping but was only able to on 227t. But turns out to be pretty controlable with just that module to tweak live. I do kind wish more parameters were available in my DAW (Bitwig) to automate.
Jure Jerebic
7 years ago
Well let's see if anyone here can help with the external clock issue :)
Greg Killmaster
7 years ago
Same here with external clock. Though sometimes it kicks in and works for no apparent reason.
Jure Jerebic
7 years ago
Hi! This sounds amazing, but I can't get it to clock the new sequencer with an external clock. It only runs thru the stages if I use the internal one, but as soon as I switch to external, it doesn't anymore (and I have clocks connected to it in the background from the clock divider).
Michael Truman
7 years ago
Astounding, absolutely the most fun with Reaktor I've had in ages. I'm still delightfully confounded and can only just scratch the surface of what this beast can do but congratulations on a glorious piece of work. Just donated (as everyone who enjoys this should). PS As someone else already mentioned, a randomise and percentage amount on each module would be especially nice for us mere mortals who are trying to get their heads around this.
David Coffin
7 years ago
Thanks Paule. But none of the RS&S snaps, including 23, come on with either the AB or the CD Quadrate buttons clicked to show their blue LED, on the 281t Quad Action Generator. And no other snaps do, either, in any bank available here for ver 2. If I turn on the AB button in RS&S 23, and switch the A and B Quad actions to Transient Mode, the A (1st A knob) and R (2nd B) knobs work as expected, but neither the D (2nd A) nor the S (1st B) knobs do or change anything. Do I misread the manual about how those are supposed to work? Even in the earlier version, there are no snaps in the UL that I've been able to find that have those lights already on AND have the 281 mode set to Transient as described in the manual as required for Quadrature to work. I'd still love to see a snap already set up for Quadrature, AND working as described.
7 years ago
RS&S 23 works fine. But be careful with the OR'S the ears start a meeting in your brain. Seems to be a 'hold key' function.
David Coffin
7 years ago
Anybody here ever gotten the Quadrate thing in 281 to work? I've tried everything I can think of, read the manual at least a dozen times, searched for an example (didn't find); nothing's worked. Maybe post a snap example, or a screen shot over in the forum? Thanks!
Greg Killmaster
7 years ago
I really want to learn this! Been playing it for hours and still have close to zero understanding. Read through the manual twice. Is there a most basic video tutorial. I'm not clear on how CV signals flow through the device. working with Panel B but I rarely hear any difference when routing CV. Any tips for very basic getting started would be great!
7 years ago
Trevor, my old snapshots don't work v2. So there are 42 new ..
7 years ago
Update to actual version 6.2.1 please. It's available since Dec, 2017
Алексей Самойлов
7 years ago
Not a valid reaktor file ! ???? Reakotor 6.2.0 (R51)
Adam Chelton
7 years ago
I swear I cannot make this thing make a sound....
doug theriault
7 years ago
I have the newest version of Reaktor 6 on a mac, still doesn't load
doug theriault
7 years ago
This newest versions does not load.
David Coffin
7 years ago
wow—thank you, Trevor! Anybody else notice that Snap 006 in the Tutorial bank often switches the visible bank to Bank 1 when selected?
Khari mateen
7 years ago
Im unable to load...
7 years ago
@adrain bebbington - I already updated Reaktor to latest.
deafblind ENC
7 years ago
Same, warnings when I try and open the ensemble
adrian bebbington
7 years ago
Ok anyone getting errors, just update Reaktor......the file works fine......great work on this one, sounds very good...
adrian bebbington
7 years ago
I am also geting a "not a valid reactor file" any ideas ?
7 years ago
Unable to load. "Not a valid Reaktor file" error is thrown.
Tomás Boils
7 years ago
Eres una pinga!
basar under
7 years ago
Great work! Both the emulation and the demo song :)
Matthias Wenzel
7 years ago
@ David Frappaz I´m a user and i know that user improvement wishes mostly not that is what counts. Especially at creative tools. any way ;).... 1. On a Laptop it´s pain to scroll but i don´t want miss that GUI size...(little ,,radar´´ map?) or any other solution 2. Less Mouse clicking on the sequencer switches. (Reasons Matrix Sequencer?) 3. NKS :) somehow.... ;)
Ivan Flack
7 years ago
Simply stunning...would pay for something of this obvious quality...come to think of it I have paid a lot for worse! Ivan Flack (Cookstown N. Ireland)
Carsten Brück
7 years ago
Just would like to add something..its just my opinion..what might help is a randomizer for each part with adjustable randomization depth.. as many user wont have a prepared controller it could lead to quite good results.. just an idea :-)
Carsten Brück
7 years ago
Damn Trevor..This is so awesome...kind of incredible that its free... if you do a commercial version of it, would be cool the UI would be a bit smaller .. no critics or so, just shit for me, because my screen-res is too low :-D thats "The User-Library-Ensemble"..NI should take this on their official Reaktor Webpage , to show whats possible ;-) kind regards
7 years ago
This is INSANE!
David Frappaz
7 years ago
Hey Matthias, could you be more specific about the GUI finetuning you're talking about?
Matthias Wenzel
7 years ago
Very very impressive. NI! Grab this guy and let me know what i have to pay! The GUI need some finetuning but what i hear is that noise what comes out of all those 3000 bucks Systems. Thank you for this!
Silverlake Records™
7 years ago
Loved the previous version, and this new one kills it. Keep up the awesome work TG. Cheers!
7 years ago
going to pick some nits here ... naught to do w/ the efficacy of this wonderful .ens ... don't care for the wooden side rails ... i find the knob shadows distracting ...
Joseph Guisti
7 years ago
I remember when I met you at Quincas' birthday in '15 and realized you were the guy who did the Metasonix ports and got UL-starstruck hahaha So stoked to see you still working incredibly hard on this stuff, chingón. Échale!
Trevor Gavilan
7 years ago
Shawn, I'm flattered! Thank you all for your guys have no idea how much it means. Harry, its because of your Reaktor version. Lewi, yes, I did the demo myself although its not exactly a demo, its one of the songs I wrote using a single instance of the Cloudlab. It'll be available in my upcoming album.
Shawn Guess
7 years ago
This guy is outstanding at everything he does.
Harry Richardson
7 years ago
When I try to load the .ens file into Reaktor 6 I get "Not a valid Reaktor file". Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
Pierre-Emmanuel Maréchal
7 years ago
Nice! Thank you!
Denes Dobai
7 years ago
Trevor for President!!!!
Felix Petrescu
7 years ago
one of best ens in lib. fantastic synth. thank you again Trevor!
S Bateman
7 years ago
A big hearty thanks for all your hard work :)
pierre afonso
7 years ago
Pawel Spychala
7 years ago
I love this synth, fantastic, thank you !!! Regards
7 years ago
ichi ban ...
michael hung
7 years ago
great work ..outstanding! thank you so much!
Lewi Glenis
7 years ago
Hi Trevor, I love this Ensemble! Did you create the demo yourself? One of the best I've heard in the User Library. Thanks a lot for your work.
Peter Parker
7 years ago
incredible synth, some stuff sounds like latest Autechre or stranger things 80´s vibe, thanks a lot !
Christopher Ledger
7 years ago
Christopher Ledger
7 years ago
Hi, I'm having issues with clocking this ensemble with my DAW (Ableton). Any kind of help would be more than welcome. Thanks
7 years ago
And in version 2 is .. Buchla 250e Arbitrary Function Generator? Like AlgoMusic Atomic Sequencer!
sung hee koo
7 years ago
u make great & great synth......
Vadim Sukhorebrov
7 years ago
Thank you so much. Great job.
Alan Mindscape
7 years ago
wow this is greateast than razor :p
Laszlo Mikhazi
7 years ago
Thank you very much!
Nik Jewell
7 years ago
Sorry, ignore my last. Making things too complicated. I was expecting an OSC template and it is a midi template.
Nik Jewell
7 years ago
Can anybody help a Lemur idiot with getting the template working? I have my iPad & Reaktor configured the 'Twisted Tools way' and their stuff works fine and bidirectionally, but I cannot get any connection between Cloudlab and its Lemur template in any direction. Is there something else I need to set up? Many thanks.
Buka Glasna
7 years ago
Thanx mate, this synth rocks, instant timbers not possible on other synths! Cheers! ;)
Luc Debeck
7 years ago
Beautifull. Can you put on each knob and switch a midi cc for it ? I like to make a big controller for it with interface card Livid instruments.
Paul Rushworth
7 years ago
Thank you very much
Marko Marinkovic
7 years ago
Beautiful Ensemble! As a project, I'm working on a custom made MIDI-Interface just for the Cloudlab 200t and I would be very happy if there was any chance to get access to the GUI image files...
Joe Lyford
7 years ago
angelic. so fantastic, this is just sonic nirvana. Thank you!
Josh Humble
7 years ago
I'll echo another poster - does this work with Reaktor 6 Player, or full version only?
hardy tilger
7 years ago
One Question again, does it also works with Reaktor 6 Player or only with full version ?
hardy tilger
7 years ago
Thank you for this great synth. Sounds lovely !
Sander Baas
7 years ago
Nobel price for this one!
Pierre-Emmanuel Maréchal
7 years ago
Thank a lot!!
Harald Pliessnig
7 years ago
love this thing. trevor, do you think, the different instruments are splitable and able to work separated. i would like to make own modules to patch some real hardware and LPGs into it with es-3's and blocks pitch-to-cv-module - or are they designed to work only in their own universe?
7 years ago
Thanks for your work and obvious love for this beautiful machine. Much appreciated.
galude galude
7 years ago
BLOCKS VERSION PLEASE :-) Thanks for your incredible work !!!
7 years ago
Incredible work.
Ma Ru
7 years ago
This is the coolest synth I've ever used. I was at the recent Don Buchla memorial, and I think I heard you were there. Thanks so much for doing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vaughn Stegeman
7 years ago
Thank you so much for making this. As far as I can tell, this is the closes to true West Coast philosophy and workflow that has been released (within Reaktor) This will allow me to work in a paradigm that I'd almost certainly never actually get a chance to lay my hands on. The patching needs some refinement, as the drop down lists are WAY overwhelming to work with, and being on the B panel, are non-intuitive to relate to the controls on the layout of the A panel. This is really more of a limitation in Reaktor tho. I see some people have been figuring out how to achieve an actual patching workflow with cables within Reaktor, which is pretty darn cool. Can't wait to see what you have in store for V2!! Thanks! :D
Trevor Gavilan
7 years ago
Greg, can you point out what parameter is causing this problem? I haven't got anything similar show up so far.
Artur Meinild
7 years ago
Great work ... v2 = blocks? ;-)
michael lancaster
7 years ago
fantastic,endless sonic exploration.thank you
Greg Killmaster
7 years ago
Hi Trevor. Thanks for such an incredible instrument! Using Lemur to drive it, I'm getting this error in Bitwig after fiddling with some controls "Lemur crashed: TypeError Cannot read property "getAmount" from undefined."
Trevor Gavilan
7 years ago
Thierry, I verified the Lemur template and its working fine just remember that in order to make the on board lemur sequencer work you need to enable MIDI P and 1.2V/Oct on the desired oscillator in order to control pitch and Gate in on the 281 for example if you also wish the sequencer to control the amplitude. Try using a (Key) preset in order to quickly test it out.
Trevor Gavilan
7 years ago
Guys once again thank you for your support, comments and donations. Deeply appreciate it. V1.2 is days away and I'll make sure to check Lemur issue you're talking about Thierry. Younus, I really don't know what requirements the ensemble should have in order to be compatible with Reaktor player and I believed up to this point that that wasn't an issue but if anyone else knows what could it be, please let us know.
James Darkforce
7 years ago
The synthesizer is gorgeous. Great instrument for exquisite sound designs.
Younus Mogul
7 years ago
Hi Trevor, Thanks for such a great instrument. I only use Reaktor 5 or Reaktor 6 Player. Is there a way to make this ensemble fully compatible with one of the plugins mentioned? I spoke to NI after the Cloudlab 200t kept timing out in Rekator 6 Player and they said that the ensemble requires the full version of Reaktor 6. If it's possible, it would be great if this could be included in the update. I understand if it's not however. Thanks again
7 years ago
Thank you very much Trevor for this beautiful instrument. Still discovering along with the manual. One thing: I can't make work the Lemur seq even after following the doc tip.
Vic Victorov
7 years ago
Thank you! But so painfull without patch cables :) May be mod matrix or smth?
tony saunders
7 years ago
fantastic ensemble
Trevor Gavilan
7 years ago
Chris Davis: You are totally right, I never configured the midi out for the same Lemur setting. That's definitely coming for V2. @Riffduck: Those are so amazingly kind words! Thank you so so much :) Mide Dodds: Have you tried the manual? I can assure you that even if you've had previous Buchla experience, you'd still need to read the manual thoroughly in order to program it from zero. Didier Debril: That is very odd, I've never seen that happen I have the latest version of Sierra with Ableton 9 and everything's working fine. Maybe something got corrupted during the update. Have you tried AU? Does it open in stand alone? Worse comes to worst, maybe reinstalling Ableton and Reaktor.
Didier Debril
7 years ago
Hello, I had a very bad surprise this morning by opening the CloudLab 200t in Ableton Live and Studio One Pro 3 after installing the latest version of Sierra (10.12.4). The large interface - and very pleasant to use - of the Cloudlab 200t has completely disappeared. There is only a tiny window where nothing appears. Am I the only one with this problem? Otherwise, thank you for this very beautiful emulation.
Mike Dodds
7 years ago
I love the sounds possible with the presets, but I'm struggling to understand how to patch. Not Cloudlab, but the Buchla West Coast approach. Anyone know of any good Buchla 200e tutorials or books?
Christopher Albanese
7 years ago
Telling me I can't use it because it was created with a newer version of Reaktor 6, but I'm on this for beta/demo versions?
7 years ago
In the years to come when this is written about as being in the top 5 of all time best user creations for a Vendor Product, Im honored to just be in the comments section. Wow Trevor and WOW the addin patches. Im super in love with the PSYSTREAMS.ssf Go add it in people if you haven't loaded the bank yet. Wow Black Guppies, Sirenes in the Rhine (*great names btw! ) Trevor you have made an unattainable physical instrument, for many, so accessible. Hello NATIVE INSTRUMENTS ARE YOU CHECKING THIS OUT YET? They should feature it on a web page or in an email at _least_
chris davis
7 years ago
I'm a bit of a newbie, but anyone notice that none of the Lemur CCs have midi out selected in the ENS? They don't update on ipad app by default. I had to go in and select midi out on each one-by-one for all 109 of them.
Trevor Gavilan
8 years ago
Thank you guys! ] Version 2.0 is now being planned. Mayor updates...
Bruno Afonso
8 years ago
Thank you so much for this. It will be super educational to figure out how these sounds are created.. Definitely non intuitive unless you read the manual.. which I will need to do now :)
Aca Ilic
8 years ago
great. one thing. could someone do a tutorial? please? :)
Thijs Pronk
8 years ago
Been playing with this thing all evening. Awesome work.
Alex Galan
8 years ago
Thank you very much, Trevor. Cloudlab sounds fantastic, well done
neil rosson
8 years ago
Superb work, fully deserved the credit here, only slight criticism I'm not so keen on the soft looking knobs.
leandro taibbi
8 years ago
Really well done, finally a Buchla compliments :)
Trevor Gavilan
8 years ago
Thom, in my experience I've found that after REALLY getting to know these modules, I'd know at least 80% of what's happening in a real Buchla but speaking specifically of the same modules and parameters because some of them I kinda modified to my liking. By the way, thank you to all the people who have made a donation for this ensemble. I really appreciate it.
thom bell
8 years ago
So... would exploring and learn how to use this ensemble make someone "prepared" to use the real thing somewhat proficiently... provided the opportunity, of course?
Rob Cosh
8 years ago
Incredible - food for days (weeks) here. :) Thanks for this!
wehrung remy
8 years ago
Very good VST, but not optimized! I work under 96KHZ usually, but I had to go down to 44.1. Attention is very inspiring and must be of hell with a modular hadware synchronized in MIDI, but it consumes too much in CPU
Gina Monc
8 years ago
Hello every one so you need a full version of Reaktor 6? It work with the player version in stand alone, but not within Maschine :/
8 years ago
8 years ago
Edgar, start R6 and paste the ens inside.
Edgar Wetzel
8 years ago
High guys I'm a newbie. Can anyone share a link to how I can use/install Cloundlab 200t in Reaktor 6? I'm using Logic X
8 years ago
Trevor, It's okay to incorporate my donation to you. It's yours. Do want you want with them.
dino tavone
8 years ago
it works under Reaktor 6 player?
clavier eric
8 years ago
Merci énormément, Cordialement
Utilisateur Enregistré
8 years ago
Merci Beaucoup Mr Trevor
david elson
8 years ago
Great work Trevor
Ariel Shwartz
8 years ago
This is a big one in the inspiration department...much much appreciated!!!
Trevor Gavilan
8 years ago
Stefano, I'm such a dummy. A couple of wires were un plugged. My bad. I updated the ensemble already. Thank you for pointing it out :)
Stefano D'Alessio
8 years ago
Thanks! great work!!! just take a look at the sends (2 3 4) for the spring, some cable are missing, right channel does not feed properly the reverb and so it results in silence!
Sebastian Kurscheid
8 years ago
Thank you for sharing this with the community! What an inspiring and great sounding ensemble!!!
Christoph Kresse
8 years ago
Thank you, looks and runs great!
8 years ago
I also found my old copy of Reaktor 5, but just discovered, that Cloudlab 200t runs with the free Reaktor Player 6!
Trevor Gavilan
8 years ago
Josue, the Lemur template is included when you download the ensemble. Younus, no, there is no way I can take it back to 5 :( So sorry.
Josue Arias
8 years ago
thansk!!! Could you share that lemur template for controlling the cloudlab??
Younus Mogul
8 years ago
Any way to open it in Reaktor 5?
Trevor Gavilan
8 years ago
Thanks for all the comments guys! Giorgi, it can work on PC as well. Christian and everyone who wants to sync it to an external clock. You're gonna need to go into the structure and connect a Block's Clock (the easiest one) directly to a Gate Input, could be the gate on the sequencer or an envelope and from there you can distribute it. There's an active Thread in the Reaktor forum, feel free to post any questions there and I'll be happy to help.
Martin Géč
8 years ago
Awesome work, impressive manual. Thanks for sharing!
Giorgi japaridze
8 years ago
only for mac ?
GG.G SakabeaT
8 years ago
ipressive synth!!! too bad it's such a cpû pig !!! but hey !! everything has a cost .....
GG.G SakabeaT
8 years ago
bravo!!! incredible ; 2000 download in less than 48h !!! congrats !!!
8 years ago
Wonderful programming! Thanks a million!
Ben Ware
8 years ago
Sounds amazing! Thank you!
Jurgen Winkel
8 years ago
Thanks & I will post a track or vid whit the first sound/try out...
tony garrucho
8 years ago
Love it, thx!!!!!
Christian Keller
8 years ago
Awesome, thank you very much. is there a way to sync it to Reaktor Clock ?
Jake Bell
8 years ago
much gratitude
Kash Meer
8 years ago
Awesome..thanks a lot!
Daniel Raffel
8 years ago
This is just awesome, Trevor. Thank you!
Frank Hofmann
8 years ago
Thank you Peter, for the hint.
Eric Clay
8 years ago
I feel a lot better about paying you $200+ for strings I never use. This is super sweet.
Kristian Sharpe
8 years ago
Wow! Free?! Are you sure! ?
retry one
8 years ago
WOW !!!
David Diogo
8 years ago
Trevor Gavilan
8 years ago
Truly grateful guys! Thank you!
8 years ago
Andy Darcy
8 years ago
cracking job man..
Francesco Napoleoni
8 years ago
Leon Trimble
8 years ago
great work
Marc-André Mignault
8 years ago
sounds awesome! thank you
Tommi Theatralo
8 years ago
wow.... thank you
christian ds
8 years ago
thank you very much for this
Nick Petty
8 years ago
so so impressive, thanks so much for sharing.
chris M
8 years ago
Carbinax thanks you Trevor. Im sure it will take me a while to wrap my head around, but im sure the possibilities are endless. Very appreciative of your hard work and generosity. Thank you =)
Klas Linder
8 years ago
its all love!
Thomas Pelkmann
8 years ago
Absolute fantastic. Thank you!
Dieter Zobel
8 years ago
heute ist weihnachten. danke
Rudy Toussaint
8 years ago
Bravo for all the presets!
Rudy Toussaint
8 years ago
You devil! Now I really want a real one!
Damon Klettskaro
8 years ago
Amazing synth. Thank you
Victor Sologub
8 years ago
yannick Le Déan
8 years ago
Thanks a lot, i feel i will love it !
Trevor Gavilan
8 years ago
THANK YOU ALL!!!! Deeply appreciate it!
Thomas Hessler
8 years ago
Love it!
Richard Le Gendre
8 years ago
Amazing !!!
Richard Devine
8 years ago
Great work here!
Michael Hetrick
8 years ago
Wow! This is incredible.
Stephan Bobinger
8 years ago
Awesome Synth. Been doing the beta for a while. Very Complex Though... one needs some time to understand all the possibilities :D thanks Trevor
michael lancaster
8 years ago
Thank you- looking forward to some exploration
8 years ago
Thank you - molto gracias Trevor.
Alex Gold
8 years ago
Great work - thanks!
Philipp Straehl
8 years ago
great ensemble! Thank you very much. Besides, if one checks the MIDI out tick for each Reaktor parameter, the Lemur template gets feedback.
Andrew Madden
8 years ago
Is this going to be pieced out into blocks?
Andrew Madden
8 years ago
It's finally here!