VHS Audio Degradation Suite

VHS Tape Noise and Flutter Simulator

(256 Votes)
Audio Player
James Peck
1.12 (Updated 6 years ago)
February 14, 2017
Reaktor 6
Effect Multi-Effect


IMPORTANT NOTE: This requires you to own Reaktor 6 (full version), and will not work with Reaktor Player.

1. Open the .ens file with Reaktor 6 standalone, or the Reaktor 6 FX VST
2. ???
3. Profit.

Update 1.12: Knobs resolutions are now consistent. Smoother knobs!

An audio multi-effect combining saturation, pitch modulation and noise, to emulate the imperfections of VHS tape.

DSP Overview
Input > Chorus > Mic Emulation > Preamp > Slew Limiter > Compressor > 2-Band Saturator > LPF > Wow/Flutter > Noise > Wow/Flutter > Output

Controls: On/Off, Chorus, Speed, Delay, Width
Adds some additional pitch variation the input signal. Can also function as stereo widener.

Mic Emulation
Controls: On/Off, Mic Select Menu, Gain
Simulates the signal being re-recorded on a microphone. From “The Mic”. Adds about 15% CPU usage.

Controls: Tone, Drive
Tone and Drive controls from the “Tape Mate” ensemble. This emulates the input circuit of a VCR (somewhat)

Slew Limiter
Controls: Wear
An idea from Tape Mate. Knob is labeled as “Wear” to simulate the age or generation of the tape

Controls: Comp
Provided to beef up input signal more and limit dynamic range

2-Band Saturator
Controls: On/Off, Lows, LoSat, Split, Highs, HiSat
When a generation is added to a tape, the highs get lowered and saturated (around 15khz down to 7khz). A crossover control (Split) lets you split the signal into low and high band, and saturate each separately.

Controls: HiCut
To control the high cut of the signal. 4-Pole Lowpass filter.

Controls: Warp, RPM, Shape, Flutter, Hz
Emulate the tracking and speed imperfections. From “Simpler Vintape”

Controls: Hum1, Hum2, Hum3, Hiss, Crackle, Noise
Actual samples recorded from VHS tapes, and a regular white noise generator. Able to be inserted post or pre effects.

Controls: Flutter2, fRate, Wow, wRate, LoCut, HiCut
A slightly different wow/flutter (from Tape Mate)- if a tape were re-recorded it would have additional pitch variation like this. Additional low and high cut controls.

Controls: Mono On/Off
Option to sum to mono

-No master Dry/Wet control, as that would induce phase nightmares
-Use chorus sparingly.. on transient heavy material it will cause flamming and phasing
-Be careful with noise levels when inserted pre fx and compressor is used. When no signal present, the noise will be very loud
-CPU Usage: approx. 5% no Mic Emulation
-CPU Usage: approx. 20% with Mic Emulation
-Created with Reaktor 6.0.4

-Jonathan Tremblay for “The Mic”; used for the Mic Emulation Section and Audio Demo 3
-Stephen Reid for “Tape Mate”; used for Drive, Flutter2 and Wow
-Stefan Knauthe for “Simpler Vintape”; used for Warp and Flutter


January 20th, 2019
Version 1.12
-Changed all knob resolutions to 256

April 10th, 2017
Version 1.1
-GUI tweaks


Brett Lavallee
2 months ago
most downloaded reaktor ensemble out of all
Sebastian Jaque zrivas
3 months ago
i dont know luke victori. but im trying to save up to buy reaktor 6 tho. also to make joehdah type beats
Luke Victori
10 months ago
how all these joehdah copies are using this
Tommy Brink
10 months ago
So ahead of his time.
Peder Nilsson
1 year ago
RC-20 Retro Color is good; but I think this does it better in audio degrading. Will still use RC-20 - but when it comes to VHS-degrading I think this is the one!
Bradley White
1 year ago
GOATED plugin
1 year ago
Waxer - Log in to your account and try again.
DuckAlert Beats
1 year ago
Waxer I think you need an Amiga 500 with the 1mb expansion to download this
1 year ago
Hi there, I am logged in but cannot download this, the link is clickable but download does not commence, any ideas? Thanks
Marcos Santos
1 year ago
The best!
N Marsh
1 year ago
Wow! (pun intended) just incredible...
Luiz Zen
1 year ago
This is amazing! However, it is adding some milliseconds of delay, making beats off the grid :( Is that something that can be fixed?
Vladimir Trinity
2 years ago
Wow, the GUI design of it really cool! I want to try it. Downloaded
Kirill Guk
3 years ago
Best tape in reaktor , amazing saturation !
peterspiro322 Spiro
3 years ago
Unable to open
Katherine Durkes
3 years ago
this is truly what I needed today
Vitaly Zolotarev
3 years ago
Awesome effect! Thanks.
Vinicius Rodrigues
3 years ago
Amazing. And the demo tracks?! You should charge for those. Bravo.
Aven Pigatt
4 years ago
How is this free??? I don't feel right using it without giving you some form of compensation. Can't thank you enough, Jesus
Tobias Schwab
4 years ago
One of the best Reaktor effects EVER!!! Every time I throw this on a track, a song comes out. Thank you so much!
Carlos Fisher
4 years ago
Thank you so much; I can't wait to try this out. Seems awesome.
Sigmar Conrad
4 years ago
Awesome! :D Exactly what I was looking for!
Wyatt Regan
4 years ago
So good! Thank you! Over the past year this has become one of my most used fx modules.
Quincy Jones III
4 years ago
how do i open an ens file on mac
Bau Bautista
4 years ago
I wish I could use this app on android dude, I don't know how I don't know, can someone help ME?
Haldan Blecher
4 years ago
Damn I wish there was a way to get this to work on Reaktor 5 or as a standalone plugin. It's so far superior to the other VHS emulators I found, and I can't use it on my machine running 10.8.5 (cant update). I wish there was some way!
Scott Lawlor
4 years ago
Hi there. Is there a way to make this nks compliant so that it can be controlled directly from within komplete kontrol from their hardware? I don't know how difficult this would be but if it's possible, that would be really helpful since there are a lot of blind and visually impaired people who take advantage of the accessibility features of the system. Also, I'm on windows 10 so can you tell me where I need to put the enz file? I've tried to use other reactor ensembles from the library and even though I have them in "C:\Users\sklaw\Documents\Native Instruments\User Content\reactor\" they don't show up on the user side. Am I putting them in the wrong place? Thanks for the help.
Andrew Chi
4 years ago
Man this is really great. It's on every track of our new album. Thank you so much. May the Force be with you James!
James Peck
4 years ago
Hey Sylvain, thanks for pointing that out. I will be doing an update soon that should fix this
Sylvain Turgeon
4 years ago
Hey guys, Is there a way to match the VHS knobs to Maschine MK3 knobs? Thanks to let me know ;)
James Peck
4 years ago
Shereen and Alexander: You need to open the .ens file inside of Reaktor 6 standalone or plugin version. If you do not own the full version of Reaktor 6, this will not work.
Alexander Clerici
4 years ago
The file ends in .ens. Can't open it. What to do? I tried in native acces...
Shereen Dahi
4 years ago
The file won't open, I'm using chromebook and it's telling me to download an app to open it with but it doesn't say what app to use with this program. Can someone please help? Thanks in advance.
Daniel Kelly
4 years ago
This is amazing, thank you so much for this!
Claudio Dezi
4 years ago
Vega Bodega
4 years ago
4 years ago
Nicholas Sargent-Johnson
4 years ago
what folder should I put this in so that I can use it seamlessly with native.... like, what's the plugin folder?
oliver mahnkopp
4 years ago
The Demosong sounds like "Robert Parker - 85 Again"
José Ferreira
4 years ago
I buy if work on AudioDirector
5 years ago
REWELACJA Serdeczne Dzięki
James Vance
5 years ago
Truly incredible. Indispensable when you need the VHS sound.
José Ferreira
5 years ago
I need this plug-in on Andacity
Iohannan Pure
5 years ago
that's fire!!! thanks
Martin Corona
5 years ago
I am new to these ensembles. How do you manage them (where would be a good place to put them on the hard drive so you could see them when you open reaktor?)
Matthew Jesubatham
5 years ago
@jasper helderman try run it as a send/return
Jasper Helderman
5 years ago
Awesome plugin!! but... is there a way to have a dry/wet knob? sometimes u don't want the full effect on something... hope u could add this into a future version.
5 years ago
Awesome thank you
Andrew Seymour
5 years ago
I cant download it
ddd fffff
5 years ago
This plugin is really wonderful and a force to be working with, a VST version would be cool.
Ulrich Rothe
5 years ago
Dan Shabo
5 years ago
Download link is broken I think
Jerome Santiago
5 years ago
If you want this to be the best tape emulator in the world, [VHS when tweaked already is in my opinion] smashing easily even modular racks mighty Magneto, you need to ad 'scrape flutter' (in the 1‑5kHz region) see article here: https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/analogue-warmth (subparagraph: the reel thing) It doesn't NEED it but I think it would be a good option to have it. I so wish NI would embed their engine into a HW Eurorack or a Multifx Pedal to run these code bits for live setups, no computer required.
Huen Alfee
5 years ago
Thank you!
Ted Myerson
5 years ago
yerrr thank you!
Mathias Baumgart
5 years ago
Where is that first sound sample from? It sounds so familiar but I can't figure it out. Drives me kinda insane haha (cool plugin btw)
Duarte Cancela
5 years ago
Thanks this is amazing!
Dest Druid
5 years ago
It's dope, really cool plugin and it's F R E E
Jonathan Reiterman
5 years ago
Whoa this is amazing!
Craig Parry
5 years ago
Thank you :)
Edward Gresham
5 years ago
Played with it, it sounds great. Now just have to wait for an update on the VHS filter.
Myronn Codrington
5 years ago
Found this on Youtube, perfect
John Bdoyan
5 years ago
Pls tell me can I download the previous version cause latest update runs only on 6.2.2
5 years ago
Great GUI
Dave Smith
5 years ago
Love this too - the compressor and sat sounds incredible, but damn the latency is crazy! Any way to solve that?
Tornike Zedginidze
5 years ago
This made me happy yesterday.
Petr Machacek
5 years ago
thank you very much
bugi man
6 years ago
That sounds epic !!! Thanks a lot, man :)!
steve mueske
6 years ago
This is, hands down, the best tape degradation emulator I've ever used.
first name
6 years ago
Can i get older version?
6 years ago
If you can't find a preset you like, you'll have to go to bed without ice cream.
James Coles
6 years ago
I get a massive amount of latency using cubase 9.5 and reaktor 6 (legit copies of both) just letting u know.
Andrew Rayn
6 years ago
Hello James Peck! Can I download an earlier version?
Machtigen Salas
6 years ago
Sounds Awesome Thank you
James Peck
6 years ago
hey Telegraf! you can choose to put the .ens files where ever you like. load reaktor as plugin or standalone, and file > open your .ens :)
6 years ago
Sorry for a seemingly elemental question. I both Komplete 12 a few monts ago but still a bit new to Reaktor. Where does one save the ".ens" file once it's downloaded? I keep all my NI libraries on an external SSD. Should I make a folder called "Reaktor User Ensembles" and throw them all in there? I clicked on the downloaded .ens file for VHS, it opens Reaktor Standalone, but then couldn't really find it, although yes I do realize it's an effect and not an instrument. Thanks for any help! :)
James Peck
6 years ago
correction, Ricardo - this won't work with Reaktor Player
James Peck
6 years ago
Cristian - would love to license this with NI and have it available via Reaktor Player, but I would have to charge in order to pay the fee to NI i believe. Ricardo - will work?
Ricardo Sanchez
6 years ago
Installing Plugin for Reaktor Player 6 will not work or not.
Cristian Carvajal Carvajal
6 years ago
Upload the plugin for reaktor player 6 ... OMG that Greed
Cristian Carvajal Carvajal
6 years ago
Naaaa... el plugin es gratuito pero te cobran por el reaktor. Chupenlo! xD
6 years ago
Thanks a lot for this great Effect.
James Peck
6 years ago
Oleg, what version are you on? I'm fully updated through Native Access and I don't have any issues loading. Dave, the download is free, but the Reaktor 6 software costs $$
Dave Smith
6 years ago
great tape simulator but not a free!
Oleg Mamchits
6 years ago
Dont work with new reaktor
6 years ago
Very, very nice. In the 80ies I hated all this, what makes me happy now about this plugin. Thanks very much! :-)
Ike Hill
6 years ago
great sounding ensemble. instant 80s and beyond. if you have any interest in lofi, retro etc, you should check this out now.
Mark Griffiths
6 years ago
just lovely.
Jan Civil
6 years ago
"When I try to install this plugin..." It's not a plugin. It's an ensemble [.ens] in Reaktor; the highest level in it. You go to File in the browser, locate it and drag the .ens into the main window, like everything else. There is no problem.
jeremy bertin
6 years ago
Greaaaaaaaat !
Sascha Sachs
6 years ago
This is - by far - the greatest tool of its kind I ever came aross! Hint: check its noise with no audio in!
Nick Maxwell
6 years ago
Thank you so much for this. I've been looking for a Mac-friendly replacement for Sonitex STX-1260 (my favorite plugin of all time) and I've finally found it. Honestly, this is amazing.
martin preston
6 years ago
Amazing sound. Captures that 80s feel. My only gripe is that it's not tight so I stick it on the beat and there's a slight delay. On none percussive instruments this wouldn't be an issue.
6 years ago
Six month ago I bought RC-20 retro color to get all lo-fi things in one box. But I found this beauty with Tape Mate and Scream 4 More ensembles in tube mode can do much more, sound 10 times better and free at all. Big thanks for your work, James!
David Siah
6 years ago
The preset names are amazing -- especially the long ones
Richard Stowe
6 years ago
OMG the preset names! This is perfect for giving that gOlden touch for synthwave
Alex Dobson
6 years ago
Has anyone figured out how to get through the demo thing? I have Reaktor 6, full version, activated, but this specific .ens only runs in demo mode.
erstziop fgklö
6 years ago
Having huge problems with this Plug-In and PDC in both Logic Pro X 10.4.1 & Ableton 10.0.2 Any fix for this?
Eric Evrhart
6 years ago
Hey James! This is awesome!!! Do you need full Reaktor or can it run in Reaktor player?
jace cavacini
6 years ago
i have zero problems using this ensemble in Reaktor 6. Not sure what these guys below are experiencing. Sounds like they don't have Reaktor authorized...
fryderyk jaron
6 years ago
Only runs in demo mode. Reinstalling Reaktor does not help.
Robert Smith
6 years ago
Ok.I have figured out how to load this plug in and use it with Reaktor 6 but how to I get out of "30 min Demo" mode? I already have Reaktor 6 installed and updated via Native Access so there isn't anything else that it will allow me to do on that end.
Robert Smith
6 years ago
Could anyone explain how to properly install this plug in once it is downloaded. There are bits and pieces of information scattered throughout the comments but not enough to put this all together to make sense. I do have Reaktor 6 but I can't get the Plug in to do anything when it opens. Is there a knowledge base dedicated to this plug in?
David Lowdermilk
6 years ago
I do own Reaktor 6 but when i try to install this plugin, i click activate and (do you want to allow this plugin to make changes to your computer)? YES!!!!! Native Access opens up and then NOTHING happens. JEEEEZ.
6 years ago
how do you buy this? i can only use it for 30 minutes and i go to buy it and it says i have to buy Reaktor 6 for $200 even though I already have it? it told me to login to get a cheaper price and it dropped it to $150 BUT I ALREADY OWN IT. I just want this plug in. please help.
Tommy Robin
6 years ago
I've tried dragging this into Reaktor and it says "Not valid reactor file" Am I doing something wrong?
James Peck
6 years ago
Hey Thomas, that .ens file is meant to be loaded within the Reaktor FX VST. If you do not own Reaktor, you can purchase or download a demo from Native Instruments.
Thomas Kevin
6 years ago
The download gives me a .ens file. Not sure how to use that.
Oliver Donath
6 years ago
David Lowdermilk 1 day ago the reaktor 6 not the plug
David Lowdermilk
6 years ago
I don't understand... it says free, but only for 30 minutes? Then buy it for $99 ? Wtf? Free or Not????
6 years ago
super creative! Thanks a lot for this!
Robert Wagner
6 years ago
One thing though: when i want to automate the modifications in Logic i have only access to half of the controls (PreAmp, Wow&Flutter, Noise Volume). On the other hand i have also access to a lot of functions which are not accessible via plugin (Noise:Select, N:Start, N:LoopLen , N:Pitch, N: LoopStrt, N: Button) Would be even more awesome if all of the functions were accessible via automation. Thanks for a terrific job anyhow, Askal!
Robert Wagner
7 years ago
Thanks a lot, this is hillarious!
Jan Retroboy
7 years ago
Wow! Man that is just excatly what I need!!! Lo-fi techno/house from cassete ?? :) thanks a lot man.. Wonderfull interface. Great for looking. ---Retroboy64---
Marlon Garcia
7 years ago
I downloaded the fx but, currently I'm using 6.2.1 versión of the reaktor player and when I am trying to open the fx file, it sends an error, saying that it was made or writen in the versión 6.1, and now i cant use it. Help please, is there any update to use it on the versión of reaktor player I am using?
Fred Roberts
7 years ago
I can't seem to update Reaktor 6.0 to 6.1 and when I try to open this file it won't because v1.1 was made on Reaktor 6.1 :( any chance I could get v1.0 from someone/the creator so I can use this? Cheers
Jason Acuna
7 years ago
One of the greatest effects ever created in Reaktor. THANK YOU!!!
sean carlson
7 years ago
I am new to Reaktor, how do I open this in it??
Luc Podevin
7 years ago
Really awesome ! Give another color to the sound !
Alius 1
7 years ago
I really like the different tones that this plugin brings from the example. How can I get this file to open in FL? Can you create and vst for this plugin ...please?
Federico Giraldo
7 years ago
Thanks a lot
7 years ago
Love this effect.
fadoliuem fadoliuem
7 years ago
Thank you :) Extracts make it possible to understand the usefulness of this effect.
Miroslaw Sienkiewicz
7 years ago
Awesome! Thanks :)
Daniel Miclos
7 years ago
Remco Platteel
7 years ago
Love it ! Thank you Sir !
7 years ago
Great effect. Thx for creating it James.
Dan Grain
7 years ago
Super!!! Thanks a million
Seoy Ra̱leng
7 years ago
thanks a lot
Garrett Bean
7 years ago
A must have for a LoFi production! Thank you!!
Linas Maknys
7 years ago
This is great! It sounds great, it looks great, and i enjoyed the demo music too hehe :)
7 years ago
Hey James. Many thanks for the response. This happened to be the first time I have ever made a request here, but I love this thing so much (enough to keep resetting every 29 minutes - No R6, yet). Having the ability to mix the top section, mic's, and even overall output, would send this thing over the edge. Will keep my eye on this, and if there are any ways to make a donation to help realise the project, I'd definitely be open. Cheers!
7 years ago
Did anyone figure out how to fix the crashes in standalone mode and the constant demo activation request in DAW's? Im running everything fully updated in Reaktor 6. I love this plugin but i cant use it yet and I've seen several comments below with the same issue. Any help is appreciated :)
James Peck
7 years ago
hey elliot.. was thinking the same thing! the knobs are not scaled properly and i might need to do a little gain compensation between pre and post modes. dry/wet or mix controls were something i was initially opposed to, but is sounding more and more like a good idea.
7 years ago
Would love to see some mix knobs. Output, and mic emulation mix knobs would be great. However, the most important would be for the hum/hiss/crackle section. These can get quite crazy, quickly, especially in 'post' mode, and they are quite fiddly to change all of them every time we need to lower/raise volume. It would be great to use the current 6 knobs to get a relative mix, and then have a mix knob, to add 'to taste'. I hope this is an idea deemed worthy enough for the extra effort. cheers!
7 years ago
>>"for extra goodness.. put the sample rate down to 22khz or lower!"
James Peck
7 years ago
@mike dancey... send me an email memorecks@gmail.com lets get u sorted
Benoit Gaultier
7 years ago
Wonderfull. I am starting a Retrouve project. I need this. That's amazing. I am on Reaktor 5 though.
Colin Sinclair
7 years ago
amazing man... amazing
mike dancey
7 years ago
still doesnt seem to work thats a shame
James Peck
7 years ago
just wanted to share a tip with y'all... for extra goodness.. put the sample rate down to 22khz or lower!
Dan Kramer
7 years ago
Really Really well done! Love it
Ryan Johnson
7 years ago
great GUI, great sound! Very impressed!
mike dancey
7 years ago
Cheers James will definitely be giving this another look Nice one mate
Stefan Knauthe
7 years ago
Hi James, thanks for the credit. Really looking forward to check your Simulator out. Looks amazing...
Zach S
7 years ago
Incredible effect. Your work is very high quality.
Aurélien Relave
7 years ago
Hi, Just tested this and it sound very good! One thing i've noticed when using it on insert is it introduce a huge amount of latency (Using FL) Is there anything to do for solving this?
bro minguez
7 years ago
Damn this is soo dope for being free
James Peck
8 years ago
mike dancey: of course it does! make sure you're loading the "FX" or "MFX" version of the Reaktor 6 plug-in, and also make sure you're fully updated
mike dancey
8 years ago
this sounds fricking awesome only downside doesnt work when using reaktor in daw?
steven margin
8 years ago
nevermind my last stupid question haha
steven margin
8 years ago
I'm not sure to understand why i hear the hum, noise and crackle things but the wav i input into it doesn't get affected... ?
Simon Holland
8 years ago
Amazingly versatile! Superb controllability!
David Mobley
8 years ago
Just threw it into an improvised track and I'm really impressed with it. At first I thought the noise was a bit overbearing, but when I reduce the effect in my DAW mixer I realized that I sounded better with it and it made me sad to hear it go bye bye. Definitely going to use this on an upcoming project. Sample Track: https://soundcloud.com/nounverbermusic/clearance-sale-everything-must-go/s-sZ4xN
David Mobley
8 years ago
So much vapors.
Jerold Daniels
8 years ago
Thanks for replying James! I tried the configure but yea the other parameters don't show up even when you move the control. Automation of all the parameters would be super coooool its really a great ensemble great work bro
James Peck
8 years ago
Hey Jerold. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. While you can add more parameters to ableton by clicking the "configure" button and moving a control in VHS, it seems not everything wants to show up
Jerold Daniels
8 years ago
this is great James awesome ensemble! Is there a way to automate all the different parameters? Using ableton only the parameters highlighted in green only show up for automation?
James Peck
8 years ago
thanks for making that brandon, very useful
Brandon Owings
8 years ago
i made a video demo of the presets, which others might be interested in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD_Tph4riHU the ensemble really does sound phenomenal. i couldn't think of a reason why it might be inappropriate to share it, but if there is one let me know and i'll take it down.
James Peck
8 years ago
hey jorge, first i've heard of a crash. does it happen in standalone as well? and is there a specific event or control that triggers the crash?
jorge isaac
8 years ago
crashing a lot in Logic Pro X 10.3.1 .. here too.. but Hey no worries ¡ excelent ensemble , will wait for the update ¡ thank very much for this great ensemble
James Peck
8 years ago
also you could do it in your daw. just duplicate the channel, and remove the effect on one.
James Peck
8 years ago
hey chris, would be an easy mod but i wouldn't recommend. you would open the ensemble and make a mixer/amp or add module. connect both the original input signal (dry) and the output of the vhs ensemble (wet). connect volume controls, or make one knob with reciprocating values for dry/wet.
8 years ago
Chris, Reaktor full is an open platform. If there is no element you desire built it in by yourself and save with a new name. That's all! It's no compiled vst.
Chris Ledbetter
8 years ago
Actually, I read the description all over... Any way to get this accomplished on a per track basis since it isn't baked in? I want the sound it makes but it is a bit overpowering. I know i can turn things down but it doesn't really work if I do so. Thanks again!
Chris Ledbetter
8 years ago
Any way you can update it with a wet/dry option? Or is this possible already and I'm blind? Thanks in advance and for such a nice addition to Reaktor (which I previously never used 'til now.)
8 years ago
@Aaron This is intended for Reactor 6, and Komplete 10 has Reactor 5. Is not that cause of yours problems? You probably have only Reactor 6 Player installed, which allows to use it in Demo for cca 20 minutes.
Andrew Madden
8 years ago
Easily one of the best ensembles on here. Excellent job James!!
Aaron Welch
8 years ago
Every time I try to open this in Logic pro 9 it crashes (other reaktor instruments/effects work fine) and when I try and open it in Reaktor 6 standalone, it asks for registration, and crashes unless put into demo mode. When Logic crashes, it briefly comes up with a similar thing. This is with the full, komplete 10 version of Reaktor, fully updated, anybody else having this issue?
Ng Mui
8 years ago
@chris Reaktor is not free tho 199,00 € don't forget that, or of course you might have another package but you certainly paid in some way to obtain Reaktor. Anyhow I can't even judge still only R5 here :P
chris M
8 years ago
5 stars from me. If I'd known this would be released for free, I wouldn't have bothered buying U-He's Satin, or Izotopes Vinyl. This is awesome. The saturation is perfection, and just gives me such a great analogue quality. It works surprisingly well on sine tones, which is surprising. It gives them a nice dischordant feeling....aged and worn, like a broken music box. Throwing in the hi cut and low cut is awesome too. A work of genius James. Look out for it on "Carbinax" tracks as I'll be using this a lot
Ng Mui
8 years ago
I'm impressed since February 14, 2017, 72 votes and 5 star, 5.5k downloads WOW!
Chris Cap
8 years ago
OK, HAVING PROBLEMS? (PC) 1) Unzip the file after download. 2) Go to file folder "Reaktor Factory Library/Effects". 3) Copy the (vhs.ens) file or drag and drop it from Unzipped folder. That's it, your done!!! If you can't find the Reaktor Factory Library folder, It should be under "C: Drive/Users/Public/Public Documents/Reactor Factory Library/Effects". Cheers!!!
Samuel Round
8 years ago
I haven't even used this yet, but I just know it's going to give me eargasms when draping it over various sounds in my productions!
troy brooks
8 years ago
Soooo Grud!
Danny Kane
8 years ago
I'm new to this do just download it?? where do put the item I've downloaded??
gary goldifnch
8 years ago
@Lord Henry: You don't without paying for the full version. It's a player for certain NI instruments (the supplied ensembles, Prism etc) but also a demo of the full Reaktor (which is what you need to play user library downloads like this). I think the demo expires after twenty minutes then goes back to demo mode as you've experienced.
Lord Henry
8 years ago
I just downloaded the free reaktor player but it keeps sending me into demo mode? How do I get the free reaktor player to just work without going into demo mode?
Lord Henry
8 years ago
I just downloaded
Jose Vallejos
8 years ago
James Peck
8 years ago
hey peter. i used version 6.0.4 so it needs at least that. make sure your plugin versions are also updated if you're using that (should be able to check what version they're on)
Peter Otto
8 years ago
Hey, so when I try to load it in reaktor 6, it says that it was saved with a newer version of reaktor, even though I have the latest update..? any help?
James Peck
8 years ago
TapeMate is awesome, thanks Stephen!
Stephen Reid
8 years ago
Looks great, and it's nice to see TapeMate being incorporated into other ensembles!
stuart hurst
8 years ago
this really is very nice..great work
Matthew Prince
8 years ago
Lewi Glenis
8 years ago
Awesome bro. Transports me back to the 80s!
Robert Reed
8 years ago
Thank you for this. I appreciate it. Works great.
Warren Allen Somerlot
8 years ago
holy wow!!! This is amazing work! Thanks SOOOO much (might even encourage me to save my pennies to finally get the K11 update ;P )
James Peck
8 years ago
thanks for the great feedback everyone. glad you like it. unfortunately, porting this down to reaktor 5 probably won't happen. it would have to be rebuilt from the ground up, and some of the components used are not available.
Jordan Cooper
8 years ago
For Reaktor 5? Please?
Micheal Beaulieu
8 years ago
dirty in such beautiful way,
Kris Ilic
8 years ago
Superb plugin! Gives things that wonderfull warped sound of a worn-down VHS tape. Reminds me of Saturday mornings as a kid. Love the design and simplicity of use too!
Keaton Stromberg
8 years ago
This is a fantastic plugin! Well designed. Simply load up the Reaktor FX plugin and drag & drop the .ens file!
Peter Otto
8 years ago
How do I install?
8 years ago
Just like Dave Supplee...me too. No Bueno. Only the demo works with my Reaktor 6.11 Player. . Pretty cool from what I played with on the demo.
Dave Supplee
8 years ago
ah i see my problem, i have Reaktor player, not the full version.
Dave Supplee
8 years ago
upgraded to the latest version of reaktor 6 and the VHS.ens still makes a demo window pop up and stops working after 30 mins. i am sure i'm doing something wrong. is there a specific folder i need to put it in?
Toby Ryan
8 years ago
This is an amazing ensemble! My current favorite. Those preset names!
8 years ago
Rob Cosh
8 years ago
This is awesome. I love the patina this imparts on my tracks. Thanks!
8 years ago
Luciano, update Reaktor 6 to the newest version. It's 6.1.1
Luciano Liberati
8 years ago
I have reaktor 6 but I can't open it because it says the file was saved in reaktor 6.0.4??
Michael Parker
8 years ago
Love this - thank you for free DL!
Peter Razga
8 years ago
what a genius idea, the sound of vintage synths are so wonderful via VHS, thank you!!
edoardo ciceri
8 years ago
Fantastic, thanx U guyz!
8 years ago
Wow! Two days on the road and 1200 downloads but 26 voting only.
Gary Cameron
8 years ago
8 years ago
Amazing! Thank you!
Jack Sterbis
8 years ago
Thank you!
Matias Monteagudo
8 years ago
Just in time for my retro video game music works.
Matthias Krenn
8 years ago
cool thanks ;)
James Peck
8 years ago
Matthias, you would need to load the Reaktor 6 FX/MFX plugin into ableton, then load this ensemble within.
Matthias Krenn
8 years ago
How do I use it in Live though?
Alexander Kourelis
8 years ago
I love the look, can't wait to use it and compare to the RC-20 plugin tape effect!
Dado Simic
8 years ago
Torsten Kablau
8 years ago
Phantastic. Great work. Thanks
renoizer jerome
8 years ago
Wow ! it's a very great tool ! Thanks
Patrick Mix
8 years ago
arhhhh, anyway we can get this to work for Reaktor 5? I know, horrible request.
Dieter Zobel
8 years ago
great, thanks
8 years ago
this might be the most feature packed ens ive ever seen
G Hamilton
8 years ago
Brilliant, man. Been searching for a replacement to Sonitex since I converted to Mac and this is it. Superb.
Arnaud Noble
8 years ago
Awesome work dude !
brice beasley
8 years ago
A pizza party for my mix bus. Great work!
Brandon Owings
8 years ago
this is beautiful. thank you so much for sharing it. it sounds fantastic, and just as important, it captures the aesthetic better than any other plugin or chain i've tried. i'm so impressed.
James Peck
8 years ago
thanks Byte Chop. That's Jonathan Tremblay's work. Check it out here: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/reaktor-community/reaktor-user-library/entry/show/10401/
8 years ago
thanks for this nice fx, the mic seems to be a cool convolution engine, will investiagte it a bit more. keep up the good work!
Jonathan Tremblay
8 years ago
Absolute dream playing with my guitar! A must have effect for even the cleanest signals.