he morph here 6.4
ambience generators
based on 'he is here' by l4Zyf1Sh
Alexander Potekhin, Dieter Zobel, Philippe Loiseau, Fabian Esqueda, Colin Brown, Brett Lavallee, Don Philipps, Catman Dude David, Greg Killmaster.
Four ambience generators drive audio to vector mix mangled in pandom ended in PidL fx controlled by lfo and random mods.
version 6.4
- ADD: PVC snapshots
(some names are doubled but sounds are different - based on the same sources)
- ADD: mod rings at mute
- ADD: fade on stop core
- ADD: FFT-Saturator in Level S
- ADD: Set Random in each ism
In co-works with Philippe Loiseau and Catman Dude David.
PVC snapshots:
Choice xxx 1 then verify by XXX 2 and relax.
In virtual world PVC is pataphysical verifing capture.
IMO it's a recall issue if both snaps are identical. If I start the original 'h e i s h e r e' Reaktor 6 give followed message:
Loading of ancient Reaktor file with crypted content not supported any more.
So I'm happy to got it to run and found a method to recall the snapshots.
For more details in sound try to use it with 88.2 kHz