
Reaktor panel elements

(4 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 8 years ago)
January 17, 2017
Reaktor 5 or lower


knobman (2008), java knobman files and png examples
16 adjusted jknobman and examples 101 stitched pics 4x oversampling 55 size
912 knobman files from 2008 different stitches 1x oversampling 200 size no examples
If you will uses these files change the oversampling to 4x for a detailed look. The size and stitch to the desired ones.


8 years ago
Brett, therefore are the knobman files. Add a shade and all is fine ...
Brett Lavallee
8 years ago
The pseudo 3D effect is really cool. It is a nice smooth motion. I would like it more with a bit of detail in the shadow.
8 years ago
They are mostly from 2008er set except 4 they are new. What's about the bottom right pseudo 3-D?
Brett Lavallee
8 years ago
A few really nice ones here. I like the top right and the one with the gold center.