Infinite Linear Oversampling
Description and examples
This presents a way to anti-alias waveshapers which I found during summer 2015 and drafted using Reaktor.
It is linear oversampling but with an infinite factor so to say.
- Reduces aliasing dramatically,
- cpu is low, close to linear oversampling x2
- latency is half a sample delay.
There is a PDF attached which describes how I came to do this.
A more academic explanation has also been published during daFX 2016 in Brno and can be found here :
The zip file contains a PDF explanation, an atan core macro, a clipper core macro and a clipper again with another 4x oversampling round added on top (latency becomes 1 sample then).
I think it is rather simple to use and expand.
I use Wolfram Alpha quite intensively to get the integrals of the shapers I need.