

  • Orchestral instruments and effects library - rips and hits, brass clusters, woodwind textures, and more
  • Ensemble multi-sampling for full cinematic performances in a single browser
  • Extensive, adaptive controls designed with on-screen composers in mind


Dive into the cinematic universe of Symphobia, an expansive series that allows you to compose realistic ensemble music within minutes. An innovative multi-sampling engine produces blockbuster-ready sounds with creative speed and precision. Dramatic tension, horror builds, and other on-screen thrills and spills are all possible in a responsive all-in-one instrument browser. Bring your scenes to life with this highly playable orchestral palette by ProjectSAM.

About ProjectSAM

Back in 2001 ProjectSAM was unsatisfied with the sound and articulations of the sample libraries available at that time and set out to record their own. Their first commercial library was an overnight success and introduced the now widely adopted multi-mic concert hall sampling setup. For the first time, users could choose between a close and an ambient mic for the same preset. Introducing and perfecting its ensemble recording concept with the Symphobia Series as well as their focus on realistic orchestral sequencing and effects, ProjectSAM products have added magic to an ever-growing list of blockbuster films, games, and hit songs.


Product type: KONTAKT instrument
For use with: Free KONTAKT PLAYER or KONTAKT
Download size: 15.87 GB
System requirements: Free KONTAKT PLAYER or KONTAKT. Please also see the KONTAKT PLAYER system requirements and the KONTAKT PLAYER FAQ.
You can install this instrument with Native Access – just as you would with any Native Instruments product.

How NKS can help you

NKS (Native Kontrol Standard) brings all your software instruments, effects, loops, and samples, into one intuitive workflow – whether they’re NI products, or those from other leading developers. It gives you streamlined browsing, consistent tagging, instant sound previews, pre-mapped parameters, Smart Play features, and more. NKS also connects all your favorite tools to our keyboards and software, Maschine, and third-party controllers.

Discover NKS

