Native Map®, sound browsing, and performance features will work for all instruments in KOMPLETE 9, KOMPLETE 10, KOMPLETE 11 or KOMPLETE 12 suites, plus newer KOMPLETE instruments.

KOMPLETE KONTROL is the quickest way to find and preview all your sounds. Its tag-based browser makes all KOMPLETE and NKS instrument presets easily accessible from one plug-in. And, when paired with a KOMPLETE KONTROL keyboard, it ensures that all of your instruments’ parameters are intuitively pre-mapped to the hardware controls. The KOMPLETE KONTROL software combines unparalleled integration with KOMPLETE, plus full support for VST instruments.
The latest version of the MASCHINE 2 software works with KOMPLETE KONTROL A-Series keyboard controllers. All A-Series keyboards feature deeper integration, including control over features like pattern creation, organizing ideas in Ideas View, and mixing.
Yes, you can browse all KOMPLETE and NKS instrument sounds by sound tags and keywords, create custom mappings and favorites, hear instant previews, and use Smart Play features.
KOMPLETE KONTROL keyboards work with all DAWs that support VST/AU/AAX with intuitive control over Logic Pro X / GarageBand, Ableton Live, Cubase / Nuendo, Pro Tools, Studio One, Bitwig Studio and Motu Digital Performer. Using an integrated DAW will allow you to play/pause, record, set tempo, adjust levels, quantize notes, adjust loop braces, undo/redo, and more – all from your keyboard.

Detailed information about support and integration with different host applications can be found in the KOMPLETE KONTROL documentation. For a quick-reference guide to using KOMPLETE KONTROL A-Series keyboards in the above DAWs, please download the DAW shortcut sheet.
NKS is an extended plug-in format that opens up the Native Instruments ecosystem. It allows VST and KONTAKT instrument and effects developers to integrate their plug-ins with KOMPLETE KONTROL and MASCHINE at the same deep level as KOMPLETE Instruments. This means that even instruments and effects not built by NI can be fully integrated in KOMPLETE KONTROL and MASCHINE browsers, with parameters intelligently mapped straight out of the box. NKS instruments can access the Smart Play features, and the full creative potential of KOMPLETE KONTROL. The NKS plug-in will be a free update for existing owners.

Each NKS plug-in is pre-mapped and tagged by the sound designers themselves. Their expertise allows you to take control of the essential parameters of each instrument and effect straight away. Tag-based preset browsing and audio preset previews make searching through your libraries easier than ever, delivering a huge range of benefits to musicians and producers at any level.
To see the complete list of instruments currently compatible with NKS, please click here.
Hundreds of software instruments from leading plug-in manufacturers are NKS instruments, which allow the same deep integration outlined above. An up-to-date list of NKS instruments can be found here.

All non-NKS VSTs feature some automatic mapping. You can load VSTs via KOMPLETE KONTROL, after which all Smart Play functions will work. You can also save presets, add user tags, create custom mappings, and more.

This table shows you the features available to all KOMPLETE / NKS instruments in contrast to VST (non-NKS) instruments loaded via the KOMPLETE KONTROL software.

Sound TaggingSound Browsing from HWControls mappedCreate Custom PagesPlay AssistanceMultiple View SizesBrowser ArtworkIncluded in Factory Tab
KOMPLETE / NKS instruments

- created by the instrument developer


VST (non-NKS) instruments User creates tags

- automapped (no section names, etc)

KOMPLETE KONTROL A-Series keyboard controllers feature one TRS pedal input, to which it is possible to assign a sustain pedal. You only need to make sure that the pedal is configured correctly in the software settings.

A-Series also support half-damper sustain pedals.

KOMPLETE KONTROL A-Series keyboards are USB bus-powered and require no additional power supply. In order to ensure a reliable connection, please ensure that the keyboard is connected either directly to your computer or to a powered USB hub.
Smart Play features enable you to stay in key with over 100 scales and modes. Activate the chord and arpeggiator modes to play chord progressions and arpeggios with single keys, or use Easy Mode to map any scale to the white keys only.
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