08 // schwarzmodul
I began the sketch by playing around and creating three tracks with Una Corda using the Cotton preset transposed down an octave. I was looking to create a more processed sound, which I achieved with the Transient Master, Supercharger GT, Solid EQ and VC 2A in my Logic channel strip. I heavily shaped the transients, compressed and eq’d the sound to bring out the lovely noise and character. This effect chain became the basis for processing most of the channels.
Next up, I added some spiccato/staccato orchestral ostinati using the String and Woodwind ensembles from the Symphony Essentials. Now I was ready to add a simple, but characterful kick and went to Drumlab for this one, editing and using the Kick Vinyl preset. Wanting the kick to push through my existing tracks and the others yet to be created, I made a duplicate track of it to sidechain into instances of the VC 2A compressor on the other channel strips.
Then I dived into Reaktor 6, first for a repeating note using an edited version of the Kontour House Organ preset. I went on to Skanner XT and played around with the Arctic Drone preset. I sidechained it to the kick and bounced it down to an audio track. I used The Mouth for some rhythmic grit, bringing it to life by sidechaining both the Reaktor instance and the VC 2A on the channel strip to the base kick. For reverb most of the tracks were sent to one of two instances of Replika XT, sometimes automating the send level.

LA-based schwarzmodul produces sunless, glitchy electronica and techno, reacting to big city machinery and sonorities, to dilapidated architecture, circuits and ghostly faces. Inspired inversely by the glitz of Hollywood and the grimy trenches of downtown LA and beyond, schwarzmodul has spent recent years connecting wires, sounds and ideas in subversive ways.