Welcome to the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Quick Start Guide.

You will learn how to use the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 for audio playback and recording. If you have some experience already, feel free to jump straight into any section using the navigation above. For beginners, we recommend spending some time reading through the whole guide.

First take a look at the features to get an overview:
Note: If you want to learn about the technical specifications of the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2, click here.


Before you begin, make sure everything is set up and ready to go.
Using Native Access, download and install the included Native Instruments software. If you are a Windows user, learn how to install the ASIO driver here.
Install the included Ableton Live 10 Lite software. Learn how here.
Ensure the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 is connected to your computer using the provided USB cable.